Network with your competitors

Hey this is Bret Douglas the top pro from Central Florida. I've been a top pro ever since I've engaged on this platform many many years ago. And I have reached out to so many pros in this area and always try to be there for them. There is enough jobs to go around. The more we work together the better we are for not only Thumbtack but for the clients. Let's work together to create the greatest Thumbtack coalition that's ever been around. We must pray for our fellow Thumbtack brothers and sisters so we can unite and be the number one lead generation platform out there. I'm Brett Douglas if you need help your profile reach out to me 386-500-8217 free help is here I make $30,000 a month using Thumbtack let me show you how to duplicate My success
If you doubt me. Ask Dusti. I am fur real and I'm not a thumbtack employee I'm a thumbtack pro and I'm proud of that fact
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