Help resources: Community, Help Center, and Support

DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,713
edited May 20 in Thumbtack Resources

Hi everyone!

I wanted to do a quick re-intro, since many of you are new to the Community. I am Dusti, and I have been at Thumbtack for about 6 1/2 years (crazy how time flies). Before coming to Thumbtack I was a business owner myself for over a decade. I am very passionate about what we do here at Thumbtack, and here in the Pro Community. I oversee our pro programs - like this Community, Thumbtack Pro Rewards, and our newly launched Pro Advisory Board.

If you need industry specific help - ie you are new to owning a business in your industry - please post your questions and I will tag in pros in your industry to see if they can offer advice and insight. This Community is such a great resource to connect you with other professionals.

If you have Thumbtack specific questions, please refer first the the Thumbtack Help Center, as there are a TON of really great resource there. If you don't find what you are looking for there, you can reach out to Thumbtack support in the following ways:

  • Support hours are Monday - Friday 6 am to 6 pm MST
  • Phone support is available by calling 866-501-5809.
  • Text support is available by texting 415-299-6398.
  • Chat support is available to you when you login to your Thumbtack account
  • Email support is available by emailing

If you can't get through to support, please feel free to post your questions here in the Community. Keep in mind that we are unable to help with refunds here. However, we are happy to answer Thumbtack related questions and will help and advise where we can.

It's best to post and tag me (@DustiO) instead of sending me a DM, as my inbox gets very full and it's difficult to keep up with 😅 (see screenshot below). If I see your post and need follow up info I will comment or send you a DM. Looking forward to continuing to build this Community together in 2024!


  • Bretdouglas

    Thank you for always getting involved. I know that 2024 will be a challenging yet rewarding year for all of us.

    One of the dangers to a huge app like this with over 400,000 users is that sometimes those people believe they're only a simple number in the system and they don't matter.

    You constantly throw yourself out there to aid people I try to do the same thing on my end and sometimes it's just taking that moment to help somebody else during the time of stress that we can all remember that we're just trying to survive in these difficult times. The one thing I'll pray for in 2024 is that we get great communication on everybody's side that we all feel like we are a team and we're working towards a common goal. I see great things ahead for Thumbtack and for all of our pros and small families. Thank you for being such an integral part of our success

  • Smcgough13
    Smcgough13 Posts: 1

    I keep getting charged for leads that aren’t even In the same state as my business and leads that aren’t a service we provide and they keep denying my refund request. I have called so many times to talk to support and nobody has answered.

  • Bretdouglas
    Bretdouglas Posts: 78

    Hello this is Brett a top pro advisor from the central Florida area. Have you ever tried the texting feature sometimes I'm in a weird time zone so I can never get a hold of the help desk or support but it's pretty amazing when I text them that whatever time it is somebody will always respond back it's helped me in the past it might be a good attempt for you. Let me know if it works

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,713

    @Smcgough13 can you send me the names of the customers who were outside your service area or service type? Thanks!