Your feedback in action: Refund policy update.



  • I will say this you are correct instant booking is here to stay. We have to either learn to adapt to it or accept it.

    We have to start looking at spending money on Thumbtack as a lead generation platform on a month-to-month basis more so than a week to week basis there are some weeks I'm sure that it's going to seem like bizarre that we're not making any money however when you look at your whole monthly profit and loss the amount that we spend on leads surely can't compensate to what we've made in profit.

    It's kind of like going to McDonald's and asking McDonald's to change their menu price for you. If they serve a burger for a dollar and you go in there and tell him you want to pay $0.60 they're probably not going to change their price just like I assume Thumbtack will never just change their prices again. For the least.

    It's a business model and we must adapt to it as professionals and either make it work or search work elsewhere. I am probably aware that many pros have fled the Thumbtack platform and are seeking work elsewhere. But on a positive note that should mean that there are many new spaces to fill for the contractors to decide to stay and if we study the system we can find the ways to still make money. I'm in seven different categories and I'm constantly studying which category makes me the most money the best roi and I'm contemplating changing out of categories that don't make money compared to the ones that do make money.

    I hate to say it but Thumbtack is not really responsible whether we make a profit or a loss. They have an incredible amount of leads and for me it still works. I pray for every other contractor that they find the right balance and choose what's best for them and the family

    . wishing you well from FL ❤️

    Bret. A top pro

  • Luxor. You are absolutely correct

    This is why Thumbtack is such a hard algorithm to understand. It's not fair for me to give advice as a landscape contractor compared to your business model as a carpet cleaner. And I must apologize that I'm always pro thumbtack because in the landscaping industry it still makes sense because of exactly what you're saying on average landscaping jobs that we do that if we pay an instant booking for $120 is going to generate 10 to $20,000 in a sale

    Now we do have lower categories that will never exceed say more than a couple hundred dollars into your point you're absolutely correct if we sold a say a tree planting job that's only going to net $200 and then we paid $120 for the instant booking by the time you buy the plant pay for the call and install the plant you've lost money. To that I understand the frustration. However for us we have probably three categories the net huge jobs were a safer a small family business I can generate $300,000 a year it's because of the large token jobs that it makes sense. I'm praying that you find the right answer or that this can be constantly worked on. I know you don't know me from adam. But I am on the top pro advisory board and we have been literally beating this up for 2 years trying to find solutions. The change is coming there are some things that were making it a little more workable however this is across the whole spectrum of 270 or 300 job categories and there has to be an answer for each category specifically so that people don't give up and quit the platform. I'm also always available by phone if you need to talk about any of this at 386-500-8217. I put myself out here because I care about other pros on the platform. There are people that probably don't like me for my candor but I'm telling you I'm not employed by Thumbtack I'm just a simple man trying to feed my family and I will continue to make the platform work for me and my family and I will gladly help you to do the same thing

  • luxor
    luxor Posts: 11

    You're a very positive person. Unfortunately it's clear that Thumbtack is manipulating Pros with their silly terms and conditions. Charging $100 plus on a job that is probably estimated for $150 and then giving professionals the option of a refund even when they can clearly see that the customer booked and fled. The platform is very manipulative. It pushes the customer through the process to click on instant booking. It's very slick for unknowing customers who don't know what it's costing the pro. If you try going on the platform as a customer you will see what I'm talking about. They don't really give you the option to inquire for an estimate, it sort of automates you through to click on instant booking and they don't even give the customer any conditions to accept any kind of agreement such as making sure this is a for sure booking that they are going to commit to. If they wanted to do better by Pros, they would at least collect a deposit from a customer for instant booking which is very standard in all businesses. But they honestly just simply don't give a crap about pros. Not one bit. It's nice that it's working for you, I'm sure you are one of the few Pros that is helping them to stay current. I'm sure their turnover rate with professionals is out the window

  • Actually that's an amazing idea that you just came up with. I'm being honest I'm not blowing you full of smoke. This the number one complaint we hear on the board is from people about instant booking is the people are unaware that they're literally booking somebody to do the job and the pro thinks they're already hired. If the client had to put some of their skin say to use the instant book and say $100 deposit or something where they had the same equal money as what the pros being in charge that would definitely change the algorithm. If every time instant booking was utilized the top pro got that same amount as a deposit that would really really make sense believe me sir if you're okay with it I'll push this idea forward

  • luxor
    luxor Posts: 11

    That's amazing, I'm glad the platform is working for somebody.

  • luxor
    luxor Posts: 11

    Yes of course. Please push it forward. The thing is, if they were serious about instant booking working like they actually intended, then the customer should be willing to pay / ready to commit to the job right? Otherwise they are not committed and therefore we are being charged for a committed lead according to their whole idea about instant booking. That was their whole reason that they tried to sell us about instant booking - that although the lead prices were higher, it was a committed/booked job and therefore we didn't have to go through multiple leads to book a job. But is simply doesn't work that way because the customers are not held accountable and they are also blindly clicking that button without knowing in fact what that button means. Of course they can just disappear Without a Trace because there is no card on file or anything attached to them. Everyone knows that industry standards for service professionals have a deposit, cancellation window, minimums, estimates etc. They are trying to change what has been an industry standard for decades probably. And it doesn't work like this, those terms and conditions that professionals have are there for a reason.

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,755
    edited August 10

    I really appreciate the ongoing conversation happening here, and the different perspectives represented. Thank you all for keeping it constructive, when I am sure there is a lot of frustration. These things are top of mind for teams at Thumbtack too - understanding how to increase customer comprehension and commitment, as well as understanding how to improve the booking experience. Thank you for continuing to provide very candid feedback and insights.

  • @Bretdouglas You should host a seminar on how to not lose money on Thumbtack and generate 30,000 a month using its platform. I'm curious to know what you're doing, I'm sure I'm not the only one.

  • That's a great point I would absolutely love to do that to help fellow pros. But I would be remiss and thinking every category and every job title would do the same. I'm in commercial landscape installation which generates huge numbers but doesn't always mean huge profits. Like right now I'm working on a $10,000 job that I sold on Thumbtack that'll take a week but maybe five of that is labor or profit. It's really not about the numbers it's the fact that I've never lost a single week in all the years I've been using thumbtack. We have about six or seven categories that we bid on and we always make money. You can reach me at 386-500-8217 I'd love to talk with you on the phone and see if I can help you to conquer the Thumbtack app

    Warm regards

  • This is a great update! Extending the cancellation window to 1 hour ⏳ makes a big difference and gives pros more flexibility 🙌. It’s also a relief to not feel pressured to respond late at night 🌙. Thanks for listening to feedback and making these improvements! 👍😊

  • Its a start. To me it proves that Thumbtack Senior Management are listening to the pro advisory board and the pros in general. We're starting to see some shifting towards the pros benefit. I'm all in for it and if we can do anything else to help people please reach out to us and let us know we're all in this together when one of us succeeds we should all succeed

    Warm regards Brett Douglas

  • luxor
    luxor Posts: 11

    @Bretdouglas That is great that some people are making money even with the instant book feature. Your industry in specific because it has high ticket prices. However, many of us who are bidding for $50, $100,$200 even $500 jobs have a different outcome because the average cost of lead in my case was at least around $100, in some cases $180 and so forth. So just imagine if your IB leads cost you $1,000, $2,000, $5,000… Maybe you wouldn't be as successful as you are today. I think your industry is slipping through the cracks and in my guess, they are going to catch onto it and raise your IB lead prices, then your narrative won't feel the same. I think Thumbtack pushed this feature way too soon and didn't think it throughly. If they raised higher ticket leads, they wouldn't have to gouge at smaller pros eyes like us cleaners. The service industry is already flooded with people who want to pay rock bottom prices- pushing pros to work for min wage or even less after expenses, then you have these ridiculous high lead costs to add on top of it. Through my research, I see there are always new pros with terrible or no ratings on Thumbtack- and that leads me to believe that people don't stick around long enough due to lead cost, and therefore the only pros available are those that are new and haven't been burnt out yet.

    I love your attitude. That was how I felt before IG. I was on cloud 9 bringing in 20-30k monthly. That all died instantly. Instant Booking= Instant Death

  • luxor
    luxor Posts: 11


    Thank you for your question. You will only receive bookings if they match the targeting preferences that you've set for your business. If you're receiving leads that aren't a good fit for you, it may be time to review your targeting preferences to see if there's something that needs adjusting. 

    ^^^^In response to the above. This is another demonstration of how you guys in the backside of the application don't truly understand how the service profession really works. It doesn't matter what our target preferences are. In my case, there are people who would book me for extreme/hazard/hoarder homes and they would input the details of their home (as in rooms, sq footage etc) then when we get there it's a job way outside of the scope and we are forced to do the cleaning for the amount they booked through the system. There are so many issues with instant booking that you guys are not truly grasping and there is always more to assess in the home than the standard questions your guys have in the scoping.

  • luxor
    luxor Posts: 11

    @Average_joe1 Let’s just get rid of the requirement that we must accept instant bookings thanks

    ^^^Yeah they are just not hearing us. How many people have to say this? They won't take it off until we all stay off and not throw our money into this shredder