Meet Thumbtack’s Pro Partnership Committee



  • What programs do you have integrated to thumbtack. I have an app it would be an amazing function to have my clients be able to book and pay me through thumbtack. Even through the website. There has to be some kind of other booking functions that allow inquiries and being charged for the events booked and confirmed by payment of the customer. I’ve gained and lost using Thumbtack. But more positive than anything else. I appreciate the reach I am able to do. Also expanding the map 150 miles isn't enough or allow the option to have two areas

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,939

    @ChefAsia you can see all of the available integrations here!

  • These crazy low client budget options need to be corrected! You cannot hire a legitimate professional photographer for the lowest 2-3 tiers of pricing options! Since it's been extended to add even cheaper options, I'm getting no hires! I used to run my whole biz off thumb and now, in the past yr, I've only been hired twice!

  • yes and the customers get upset like that’s not my pricing I set my pricing but yet I still get sent the low ball ones its crazy. They need to bring back inquiry before being charged

  • @ChefAsia You need to set your matches correctly. I rarely ever get a direct match lead anymore because I don't even show up for those insanely cheap jobs.

  • oh they are set correctly. I also put it in my bio. But I book more of the free leads than the paid ones which is crazy. You may need to check your map locations

  • Free leads??? Nothing is free to me on thumb! Do you mean the ones that you don't pay to bid on unless they reply?

    My map locations are set correctly. I've been on here 11 yrs. This past year everything dropped dead since they added the super cheap options for people to select. Under $100 for a photographer? Really? I used to have a minimum job of $295 then raised it to $395 for a couple of years and was doing fine. Now I had to drop it back to $295 and still don't get jobs. Why would they check the box for a higher price when there are options for cheaper? They don't know that they're not getting a legit pro - they're led to think that that's what real photographers charge!

    I've even come to realize that on event photography, based on budgets, people are thinking for the most part that a pro event photographer is only $100 an hour! some of them budget it at $50 and even have seen some wanting it at $25 an hour!!!!

  • Try people thinking that $500 can feed 100 people in today’s economy. But its because of social media honestly engine who has a phone think they can do it. I leave it to the pros