Inspiring stories from our pros: Segar LA

DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,942
edited January 2022 in Inspiration

Steven moved to LA with an idea and a lot of motivation. He turned that idea into a thriving business, with the help of Thumbtack. In his words:

“We have never advertised and solely used Thumbtack to get new clients over the last five years. We have worked with some of the most incredible brands and private clients, and now we are about to receive a very very sizable angel investment from one of our first clients, sourced through Thumbtack. 

We moved to Los Angeles with an idea and within three months landed Netflix as a client because of Thumbtack. From there we grew and grew and grew and now we are about to have a fleet of vans, commercial kitchen, office space, full-time employees with benefits and we are landing hundred thousand dollar+ contracts for events.”

Steven has Gold Thumbtack Pro Rewards status and because of that enjoys rewards like marketing support, success workshops, Thumbtack swag, and more. Check your rewards status to see your progress. (I've been to one of Steven's events and they are nothing short of amazing, so it's no surprise that they have had so much success.)

Looking forward to sharing more of these stories in 2022. If you'd like to be featured comment below or shoot me a DM.
