No longer getting any leads or views... Literally 0!



  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,998

    @Ray Are you not showing up in the category that you are targeting in? I noticed that it was turned off in all but one category, so I just want to make sure we are looking at the right one! Search rankings are based on a lot of factors - you can read more about it here. I would also check your max lead price and fiddle with that a little to see if it makes a difference... How long ago did you get back on TT? I know it can take sometime to move up in ranking after turning your profile back on, so that also might be why, if you just recently started using it again. You could also try getting a new review from a past client, I believe that can help boost ranking.. Sorry I don't have more to offer!

  • Ray
    Ray Posts: 4

    @DustiO The only service I want to offer right now is nutrition and it’s turned on. I just upped my budget. Although I think $50 per lead is a lot… it seems unfair if I’m charging $60/70 for a service since that’s the average I’m almost forced to pay $50 for a lead since that’s how much I need to spend to be noticed.

    I just got back on thumbtack 2 weeks ago. I plan to give it another week or so then look for another platform.

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,998

    Keep me posted! Also I think even just upping the budget and not the Max Lead Price would probably help too, but let me know how it goes. I totally get it!

  • Jphotography
    Jphotography Posts: 2
    edited March 2023

    Bumping this up in 2023 - I'm experiencing the same thing as a photographer in Los Angeles - I'm so glad that I found this thread as I thought something is wrong with my profile or simply that people in LA aren't looking for a photographer on here. @DustiO sending you a DM now - I hope you can help me!

    Background info: I signed up as a photographer on here in 2020 and got immediate results: people inquiring, messaging, etc. it was terrific! It set my business up almost instantly being on Thumbtack. This was in Boston, however, and not LA. Skip forward to 2023 and wanting to start this back up again and after updating my profile (12 reviews, 2 hires on here, 2021 top pro badge) I have gotten ZERO views in the past 2 weeks. What I've done so far: update my profile with new photos, updated my bio, ALL questions are updated that customers would ask me, pricing budget is on max - I've done all the things, and still, ZERO. Please help!

    I would appreciate the input if anyone has any further insight for this year!

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  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,998

    @Jami_JConcepts_55 as always thank you for your really insightful comment! @Jphotography I responded to your DM :) Thank you both!

  • After months of no leads, I've gotten a few in 2023 - but they're not good leads, mostly tire kickers. I've spent approximately $400 for leads and gotten one $500 job. I received a notice over the weekend that I'm no longer competitive because my max lead price is too low. Sheesh. I agree that Thumbtack no longer seems to market for service businesses that aren't home improvement. Thumbtack was my primary source of business for several years (freelancer mistake). I now use other platforms for business - but none are as good as Thumbtack once was.

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  • TomTom
    TomTom Posts: 21


    I hope our Thumbtack family are listening in and return the movement to its former glory.

    Those were great days.


  • TomTom
    TomTom Posts: 21

    Yes. My activity in the last two years went down 📉 and a lot were undefinable, phantom leads or just one hour work across town. I began to screenshoot myself and competitors on the same screen to see if any of us were getting more jobs / reviews than another. Nope, ...were all stuck in mud. 💩 🦶

  • Thank you for your good thoughts and helpful insights, @Jami_JConcepts_55. You are absolutely right that a $400 investment for a $500 job is ridiculous. The few-and-far between leads over three months crept up to $400 without my noticing. Like some of the other longtime Thumbtack users, I just can't quite give up the ghost yet. But definitely getting closer! Thanks again for your terrific advice!

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  • @Jami_JConcepts_55, your perspective is so very helpful. The business side of freelancer life can be a little isolating. Your input makes me realize I've been normalizing the Thumbtack model that isn't at all normal or productive for my business.

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  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,998

    I really love seeing conversations like this happening! Thank you all for your contributions. Though I don't have any new insights to share, I do want to confirm that yes, I do share these kinds of conversations with our teams :) Would also love to have any of you that can join our CommuniTEA meetings — these are live zoom meetings with typically between 10-20 Thumbtack pros and 2-3 Thumbtack team members, where you can share advice, tips, tricks, struggles and solutions! And, notes from those meetings are shared broadly internally so teams can hear what you are saying!

    Hope to see you there!

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  • @Jami_JConcepts_55 - thank you for all of these insights, I really appreciate it. It seems like after reading your comments that this platform has changed significantly in the past years - especially since I moved away from it. Being tied to my phone and jumping the instant I heard the thumbtack chime made me feel like a monkey waiting for a banana to drop in my cage - I got off because it was impacting me in a negative way and I didn't need it any longer at the time for leads.

    However, now reading about how it's changed on here and the leads are few and far between + the competitiveness of LA is interesting and I'm thinking I need to change my strategy. I mean it's LA: There are people that always want to shoot and always need a photographer. How have you been doing business wise without thumbtack? I'd be curious to know what other platforms you've been using and how you're getting clients now if you don't mind sharing. Feel free to send me a dm.

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  • barrazaonline
    barrazaonline Posts: 2
    edited April 2023

    Yeah, I'm a notary and have to pay about $7/lead to stay competitive, but legally I can only charge $6 per notarization, so using thumbtack has cost me more money than I've actually made. The lowest I can go per lead is $4 which knocks me out of the competition and still only gives me a $2 profit per job.

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