No longer getting any leads or views... Literally 0!

I used to get so many leads from Thumbtack that I'd have to turn off my visibility from time to time. Now these past couple months I've literally gotten 0 profile views! Support hasn’t been helpful at all. Its pretty nerve racking because Thumbtack has been essential to my business. I have perfect reviews and a response time under 5 minutes. My profile used to show up at the top of the page but now it's no where to be found. Anyone else having this problem?



  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,997

    @Upscale_Trainer I am so sorry to hear this! I'm looking into to see what might be happening, because at a glance you've got everything set up as it should be! I will let you know what I can find out. Thanks for coming here for help!

  • Thank you🙏 I just emailed support and they just send me the same old "try responding faster and getting good reviews" This is probably the 100th time I've heard that😂you're my last hope🙏If you can help in anyway I'd greatly appreciate it. Thank you!

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,997

    @Upscale_Trainer Sending you a DM now!

  • DustiO is the best! Thank you very much for the help!

  • Just another Thumbtack user here.

    I had the same problem about a year ago. Without knowing what I was doing I had ended up as one of the top pushed profiles on thumbtack in my industry and I was getting a lot of traffic at this point. I only found this out because one of my friends found me on there a the first choose.

    Over time as I got busier with clients I spent less and less time in thumbtack. As a resolute lost my position on the site and fell off the first page all together before I even realized what was happening.

    Now I don't exactly know how thumbtack algorithm works. But what I stared doing is tracking my spot daily and had it go back up. What I think helps is login into your account at least once a day. being quick to respond. Getting resent 5 star reviews. The one thing I think might be the most helpful here is going under leads in the top left corner of home page and responding to or passing on all the opportunities.

    Please let me know if this helps. I'm interested to know if anyone else has more tips on this. If I get some good responses here I will share some more tips. I also want to find people that I can learn from and improve my business on Thumbtack.

    Best regards,


  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,997

    @Brandon Thank you for sharing your insight!

  • Similar experience. Have used Thumbtack for years, and in recent years often had more business than I could handle. That came to a screeching halt in 2021. Very few leads and am now down to none. Contacted Thumbtack many times over several months and got the same advice to respond more quickly - but there were no leads to respond to. Would love to regain the traction I once had. Also wondered if Thumbtack is no longer marketing to my industry.

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,997

    @cynbeatty sending you a DM now :)

  • Elle__38
    Elle__38 Posts: 118

    In the Astrologer category, Tt declares that these are the "top ten astrologers based on our criteria". (💭and beyond them, the abyss). What criteria? Brandon has succinctly itemized best Pro practices in his comments above and we know very well that when we employ them our placement on the list will improve. So why is it even necessary for Tt to diminish other astrologers who are not listed in their top ten? It sets a precedent for viewers to look at the first 10 and no more. Which is unfortunate because scrolling on through the list and not being prejudiced in favor of the supposed TOP TEN, one may be attracted to other Pros, for one reason or another since all astrologers have their own unique style and focus which left brain metrics won't capture. And furthermore when I respond to an Opportunity, if I'm not in that annointed top ten group, I may not even be considered. Or am I mising the point 🙃, my inquiring mind would like to know?? My wish. Compile the rankings the list based upon your criteria and let the viewer independently decide their top candidates selected through their own research. 🙏

  • @DustiO Hello DustiO

    I would appreciate your help also, since I seem to be having the same problem. I have been on Thumbtack for years and always been very active (also Thumbtack pro for most of the time), but got very busy so I couldn't take anymore clients, so I stopped for a little bit, now that I've come back a couple weeks ago, I seem to have no traction at all for new leads.

    I have tons of 5 star reviews, a few of them are resent and I also answer very fast each time. I used to be at the top of the list, but now my profile doesn't even show in the top 30, even though I have way better qualifications than most people up there.

    I would appreciate any help you could give me, since I think I am doing all the right things, unless I am missing something.

    Did things got better for anyone else here with the same issue?

    Thank you very much

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,997

    @jnieri1986 I think you are doing everything right at this point. You can read some great advice from one of our most seasoned support agents here in this thread. Your profile looks amazing, your response time is great, and it looks like you have your preferences dialed in. I would look at what she suggests in that other thread - but off the bat I think you could try answering a couple of the "opportunities" in your opportunities tab, add some new photos, and try and get another couple recent reviews. And, I think it does take some time to see yourself move up in the rankings. I know @Jami_JConcepts_55 did have some luck seeing herself move up in ranking so she might have some advice to share (she is another long time TT pro). Let me know how it goes and feel free to DM me if you have any other questions.

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  • Elle__38
    Elle__38 Posts: 118

    Hi Jami! I'm an astrologer and tarot card reader. You can google my Cool as Astrology & Tarot profile because it often, for some Unknown reason, does not show up on the Thumbtack listings. I also am a Travel Consultant specializing in Wellness travel to Mëxico and African safaris. What do you do? LB

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  • Elle__38
    Elle__38 Posts: 118

    Hey Jami--Thanks for getting back to me! Imo, I think we have some things in common. I was submitting photos to the photography group and no one else was and no one was looking either, so I left that group. Started Bienestar group same thing. Haven't posted there since 3/1. About managing my profile, I've fiddled with it ad nauseum, reply to messages promptly even ones that don't fit my set preferences and EVEN follow-up to rejections! Also, as an astrologer I'm being listed with psychics, fortune tellers, etc which are not related to astrology. It's sad really. I've asked and asked about my listing but nada. They don't care and frankly I'm there, still responding but looking at greener pastures. I would however like your website so I could check out your work. I might be able to use your services 🆗 but notbat LA prices 🤗


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  • Elle__38
    Elle__38 Posts: 118

    Hey Jami--I'll check out your website. Ty. I'm all about networking 💐

  • Joe
    Joe Posts: 3

    There is no question they are pushing business to certain pros. I have had the EXACT same experience as everyone else in this thread.

  • Elle__38
    Elle__38 Posts: 118

    I concur with ALL the comments 🤗

  • tutor12
    tutor12 Posts: 3

    Zero Leads! Was getting leads left, right and center! And now, ZILCH! for the past 2 days! What is going on here? And the chat folks say the same thing and YES, I am doing all the recommended things. So frustrating when livelihoods depend on this. If anyone has a better lead generation website, please let me know! Or have figured the trick to getting more leads again!

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  • tutor12
    tutor12 Posts: 3


    Yeah, thank you for your input. I agree, I am still trying to figure out lead generation for my business. Diversifying the leads sources is definitely wise, this has been a lesson for sure! Thumbtack was a breathe of (expensive!) fresh air. They did give me good leads and I am thankful for that, but I am just stumped that it went from 100 to zero like a switch was flipped!

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,997

    @Jami_JConcepts_55 as always, thank you for chiming in with your wisdom - it is much appreciated! @tutor12 I don't see anything unusual, it may just be a weird lull (like maybe people are focused on getting their taxes done, on spring break, or some other reason for requests to be down) - but overall it looks like your number of views and leads is actually up from the previous week (see your insights here). When I was a business owner on Thumbtack I would see ebbs and flows of leads, but if the down trend continues there may be something awry! But, I am going to have someone who knows a little more than I do dig a little deeper and I will let you know what I find out!

  • tutor12
    tutor12 Posts: 3

    Thank You @DustiO ! Appreciate it!

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  • I also have been facing this problem over the past few months and have no idea why! Would love any advice and tips, I used to get leads left and right and have to turn some down I was so busy. I have updated my bio, and answer quickly but have nothing to answer at this point! Would love advice @DustiO 😊

  • Hi

    Since the beginning of 2022, I too have notice a big drop in direct leads. I also had to hide my business before. My week would fill up quick.

    Now I get a lead a day. I have five stars, good response time and top of the search lists. I even notice my competitors numbers are also slow.

    Is thumbtack not as popular with the public as before or is there something else I’m missing.

    I love Thumbtack, but I miss the old days.


  • Ray
    Ray Posts: 4

    I am going through the same thing. I used thumbtack and loved it 4 years ago... I had enough business that I stopped using it. I moved to a new city and needed to rebuild a client base and have had no luck. I am on here every day putting out quotes and am hearing nothing back. Is there any other site for health/wellness/weight loss similar to the old thumbtack? I am not a fan of paying $30 for each lead, but I am not even getting leads anyway. Open to suggestions!

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,997

    @Ray Thanks for posting! A few things — make sure you have targeting turned on for categories that you want to get leads in. If you're relying on "opportunities" (which it looks like you are relying heavily on that), you probably won't have much luck. When you reach out to opportunities those are customers who have already reached out to a pro they have seen in search results. Your best bet to get hired is to show up there so that customers can reach out to you proactively. You can also adjust your max lead price and see of that helps you at all. Let me know if any of this helps. Thanks!

  • Ray
    Ray Posts: 4

    @DustiO my targeting is on but I’m not getting anything. I also do not come up on the pros list. Is there a way to rotate who shows up on the pros list so it’s not the same people?

    i wish thumbtack just went back to the way it used to be.