Thumbtack's Customer Service

I have been trying to get 2 issues resolved for a week. Thumbtack chat sends automated Spanish messages when I pressed ONE for ENGLISH, then they never connect. I've emailed, tried chat a dozen times, called (that's hopeless). I have someone else's review taking up space in my testimonials. I did not get credit for a job I finsihed, Thumbtack AI telling me my client hired someone else. Not true. I did the job and got a nice review from her. Apparently, there is not enough help in Customer Service. Now they want us to join their payment program. It's hard enough to get refunds but I can imagine all sorts of problems with not getting paid. I'd rather deal directly with the client. At least the client answers the phone. I'm sorry if I sound sarcastic, but I am just very frustrated. I've been with them for 10 years and it just keeps getting worse. We used to be able to talk to a real live person. But I can't seem to get my issues resolved. What can be done?😓
I have just past my year mark on Thumbtack, and I have always felt they just operate as an organization that doesn't care about the Pro's and their experience. It is all about getting as many leads so they can make the most amount of money. One client reached out to TEN Pro's, with an average of $58, think about that! The wildest part about it, the job was for $4k, so Thumbtack made more on the platform than the artist did for the job.
Customer service seems to be reserved for the Platinum pros (which thankfully I am one), where I can actually speak directly to someone and usually the calls are answered quickly. Still, it is a pain to have to grovel for a refund when many clients have no intention of hiring or even wanting the very job they came to Thumbtack for. The system is frankly broken.
Things I have asked for since I joined:
A way to reject a job after seeing what the client wants, no contact information is shared, until the job is accepted to bid on.
A way to limit the amount of pros that are reached out to in a 24hr period
Refunds that are not a credit, but actually go back to the payment source.
Better gallery features (I am muralist), the galleries are a joke, I cannot move photos in a specific order, have to re-upload in a specific order to do that.
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We followed the instructions for blocking days on your calendar that you’re not available, such as too busy for more leads or taking vacation. We blocked days that we were going on vacation. We got leads almost everyday. We requested refunds, stating the dates were blocked and we were out of town, but didn’t get any credits. When we got home, we reached out to see if the customers still needed assistance. We didn’t get one job and paid out close to $200. The week after vacation, my husband had to go into the ER and was hospitalized for a week. I blocked days on the calendar again. Day one direct lead. Contacted customer service. Finally got to chat with rep. I was told that when you block on you calendar if the customer doesn’t specify that they need the project done on the dates blocked they still go through. That’s when I found out about going under services tab, there are dots on the upper right. You can hide your service so customers can’t see it and request your services. We are in flooring installation and repair. Some leads can be $70 or more! Get 3-4 of those in a week, while on vacation, it will put a hurting on your budget. We have wondered if some of the direct leads we get are even legit. You respond, it shows that your message has been read but you get nothing. Then you call the phoned number, you get a generic voicemail and no one returns your call. 3 of those this week! We’ve been with Thumbtack since 2016, made Top Pro in the first year. 4.9 rating with 148 reviews. Seems like TT is going down the road that Home Advisor did and ended up be bought by Angie’s List which also changed their name. Just Frustrated! Make it hard for small businesses that can’t just give a quote without first looking at the job.
Anyone else notice how they don’t answer customer service phone calls anymore? It’s all email or chat.
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