Thumbtack views

Hello I’m a top pro I have over 163 reviews all 5 starts thumbtack has always work great for me it completely changed my life but last year my views when down from past years I used to get 800-900 views now I barely get 100 views a week


  • Theresa
    Theresa Posts: 49

    I've experienced the same thing. I used to get 1000 plus Listing Views per week, somtimes 2000 now I'm lucky if I reach 200 a week. I wish TT would let us know what's happening.

  • same here.

    something severely changed when they moved to the rewards system. i get so few leads, and now i don’t get any. i pay out the nose for the ones i do get and often they have weird names, and no replies.

    oh and i can’t get refunded for these anymore because i can’t reach a human being

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 2,003

    Sorry I thought I already dropped this here! But here is all of the support contact info, if this is helpful!

    • Support hours are Monday - Friday 8 am to 5 pm MST
    • Phone support is available by calling 866-501-5809
    • Text support is available by texting 415-299-6398
    • Chat support is available to pros when they login to their Thumbtack account
    • Email support is available by emailing
  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 2,003

    Also, @troys_dogtraining I would really recommend reporting any of those leads that have suspicious names. You do that in the messenger in Thumbtack, here is an article about it too.

  • The same thing happens here my friends, “customers” who don’t respond, a very low conversion rate of around 10% or less. Abusively expensive leads, and lack of support through all the means mentioned above, always denying refund requests or any kind of report.