Leads Costing Me

Often the Leads I receive are not responding even though I am responding quickly to them. Which means I am losing money. If this was happening occassionally fine but the last 4 leads only one responded.

Any suggestions?


  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,997

    I'm sorry that you have had this experience, as a former business owner and Thumbtack pro, I know how frustrating it can be when customers do not respond. We had a great discussion about this at a recent CommuniTEA session and the group of pros had some really amazing tips for how they have been able to get customers to respond. Here are all of the tips they shared:

    • Refresh your profile intro once a month using chatgpt, to mix it up and test what resonates more with customers (from @1_gold_hands, a handyman who has grown to 7 locations using Thumbtack)
    • Reach out via the Thumbtack messenger, and then text and call - different pros suggested different timing that works for them like text immediately, call after 1 hr or 2 hrs, etc (several pros suggested this one)
    • Leave the message on a positive note and follow up with "nurture campaigns" - reaching out to customers every 30 days/60 days/etc with a refresher message (both @ShaquealThomas and @SOUNIQUE007 use this tactic and have multiple customers hire them at later dates)
    • Try a contest/sweepstakes - tell them even if they have used another pro and don’t need your services they can gift it to someone else! But put a deadline on it to add some urgency
      • Another pro mentioned in yesterday's session that he recently started doing this and it worked! He texted and said something along these lines, "I don't want to bother you with a phone call, but I'd like to offer you $25 off of my service if you get back to me within 48 hours." and the customer did!
    • Leave on a positive note, leave all of your contact info if they come back later (from @ShaquealThomas)
    • Message people during off time like evenings and weekends, when they will have time to respond to the message right when they see the notification, vs if they are at work) (from @AR2i, who has had a lot of success using this tactic)
    • Send them a note with all of the services you offer, in case they have already figured out that job, they can return later to hire you for other things (also from @1_gold_hands)

    These are just some ideas, feel free to join us for our next session if you want to chat with some great pros. Hopefully some of this will help! Also wanted to note if you ever suspect there is a scam/spam lead to please report that lead. Thank you!

  • Guerilla tactics. Lead comes in, do not read it. Just message the customer with a default reply that you've saved.

    "Hi Jim,

    Thanks for picking <my company>. I'll call you momentarily to discuss your project."

    Now read their project and immediately call Jim. Keep him on the phone for several minutes so other Pros go to VM. Get Jim on your calendar as soon as possible. Jim probably won't call the other pros back.

    I am creating a thread that you might find very insightful:

    Good luck.