Featured Group: Wedding Photographers

There are a lot of different groups here in the Community and we're going to be featuring each group. The first group we're featuring is Wedding Photographers. This group is lead by @Noble_Canon. If you're a wedding photographer, be sure to go and join this group!
I am a Wedding Photographer
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@ChrisBowPhoto awesome! Be sure to go join the Wedding Photographers group. Feel free to check out this post with more info on how to join a group. Let me know if you have any questions!
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I tried joining the group but I still don't have access to the group. Is this an active group?
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@Charles_Wunderlich Let me check for you!
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@Charles_Wunderlich You should be good to go now! The pro who runs the group probably hasn't seen the request but I took care of it for you!
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Thank you
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