Managing Leads with Team Members



  • @Carlos_Velasquez I was determined thank you for the steps to use loom as well I learned a new feature for meetings hope the feedback helps!

  • This was perfect @ShaquealThomas exactly what I needed! Thank you for doing this and for the feedback.

  • @ShaquealThomas @Mage thank both for this. If you can think of anyone that wants to go through this exercise that d be great I only need two more pros

  • @Carlos_Velasquez you welcome I believe I may let me see if she will sign on to the community page.

  • Mage
    Mage Posts: 125

    Hi @PaulG would you like to give this prototype a try? I think it's worth looking into! 😎

  • PaulG
    PaulG Posts: 8

    Hi Mage,

    Yes I would


  • Hi @PaulG

    thank you very much for your help. Here are the instructions, prototype link, and prompts.

    To get the most out of this study, it would be better if you can:

    1. Complete the test from a desktop computer
    2. Record your screen using a screen recorder chrome extension like Loom (preferred but not required, although easier if you dont want to retype everything you saw)
    3. Read the prompts out loud and share your thoughts as you walk through the prototype

    Usability Test

    Duration: 5 minutes

    Link: Prototype


    1. Upon entering the prototype, which customer indicates that the job is done and paid for?
    2. How would you see the conversation between you and a customer?
    3. If you wanted to see internal comments for the specific customer, how would you access that screen?
    4. What is the date of the most recent internal comment?
    5. How would you add a new internal comment that you can share with teammates?

    Once you are done, please share your thoughts with either the recorded link or written here.

    Let me know if you have any questions! And thanks again for your help.

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,993

    I've really loved seeing this teamwork in action from a group of fellow pros who've never met and are all in different industries. THIS is what this Community is all about. Thanks to all of you! I hope to see a lot more things like this happening here!

  • Agree Dusti, really happy to have found this community of helpful, optimistic, detailed pros.

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,993

    I'm happy you found it too @Carlos_Velasquez, and so happy to have YOU here! I wanted to share that we have finally launched our marketplace where you can see what partnerships and integrations we do have available for pros. Thought it might be helpful to someone!

  • PaulG
    PaulG Posts: 8

    Hello Anyone!

    I am at a loss here and totally confused. Can someone please provide some clarification as to what I am to do within this study?


  • Mage
    Mage Posts: 125


    1. Visit the Prototype.
    2. Use some video software showing you navigate. You can use your computer, tablet, or cell phone for this. It's best to enable your microphone so that we can hear you talking and capture your feedback.
    3. Send the video to @Carlos_Velasquez
  • Carlos_Velasquez
    Carlos_Velasquez Posts: 21
    edited July 2022

    Hi @PaulG not sure why the link above sends you to another screen, here is the correct prototype. And thank you @Mage for letting Paul know.

    Your feedback is SO SO helpful!

    And here are the prompts:


    1. Upon entering the prototype, which customer indicates that the job is done and paid for?
    2. How would you see the conversation between you and a customer?
    3. If you wanted to see internal comments for the specific customer, how would you access that screen?
    4. What is the date of the most recent internal comment?
    5. How would you add a new internal comment that you can share with teammates?

    Once you are done, please share your thoughts with either the recorded link or written here.

    Let me know if you have any questions! And thanks again for your help.

  • Mage
    Mage Posts: 125

    Thanks @Carlos_Vasquez, and I apologize if the link did not copy properly! 🙊

  • Not your fault @Mage i think as people use the prototype the destination screen is changed

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,993

    I wanted to make sure that everyone in this thread is aware of CommuniTEA - our biweekly networking hour for Community members and THumbtackers! Please join if you can and let me know if you have any questions about it! Hope to see you there tomorrow.

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,993

    Just following up to see how everyone in this thread is doing? And, to remind you to check out our Marketplace to see if there are any integrations that may help to solve for some of these issues!

  • Mage
    Mage Posts: 125

    Hi @DustiO! I know that the "get paid on Thumbtack" integrates with Thumbtack's own set up Stripe accounts, but I wonder if it is possible to integrate with our own Stripe or even PayPal business accounts. Most clients are good with using credit/debit, which is processed through Stripe at my business, but there are some clients who would rather use PayPal.

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,993

    @Mage I will ask if this is possible!

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,993

    Wanted to drop this here - we have a holiday virtual giveback event coming up here in the Community (similar to what we did last year). Would love to have you all join in nominating a nonprofit to receive a grant from Thumbtack!