Instant Booking

ShaquealThomas Posts: 87
edited October 2023 in Business Resources

There has been a lot of discussion surrounding instant booking if we together as pros can share our thoughts on instant booking we may be able to submit this to thumbtack as a community.

Instant Booking 103 votes

yes to instant booking
1% 2 votes
no to instant booking
67% 70 votes
on and off feature for instant booking
30% 31 votes


  • rvgrand
    rvgrand Posts: 51

    When instant booking was first introduced, you were able to opt out of it but it seems like instant book is now rolling out to all users and there's no way to get out of it. Not that I've seen anyways.

  • Matt
    Matt Posts: 170

    I opted out this last week, maybe it’s dependent on the industry ?

  • rvgrand
    rvgrand Posts: 51

    Same here, this 1 lead that just instant booked me for $134....

  • rvgrand
    rvgrand Posts: 51

    @Move_In_Mechanix_00 So far the best thing I've found to do is set the amount of notice for the job to 7 days. At least this way no one can insta book you immediately and most people don't plan that far out ahead most of the time.

  • Matt
    Matt Posts: 170

    Here is what I see in the app, not sure if yours looks the same. But here is where I can turn it on or off.

  • rvgrand
    rvgrand Posts: 51

    @Matt Looks like the update hasn't hit you yet. Here's what it looks like now.

    And this is the official email from thumbtack that says it's mandatory.

  • Matt
    Matt Posts: 170

    Interesting, it also may be that what I do on Thumbtack may not be a part of the rollout. I don’t even know how it could even work when all of my jobs are so varied that it could range from 3k-20k all depending on so many variables. If they do in fact implement it on my end, that’s the end of Thumbtack for me.

  • chilogm1
    chilogm1 Posts: 78

    oh crazy that you Guys just got in that future. Well I been in it since around novenmber or December the worst thing they could ever done . Furniture leads prices is worst. It’s their way of getting your money without you making any money. Paying $56 to make 85 for fans installation. They not going to change until everyone decide the next step with this app

  • chilogm1
    chilogm1 Posts: 78

    It doesn’t at all not only do you lose your money for rejecting the leads you just can’t get a refund

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,994

    There are several partner integrations that can help connect your other booking software/apps to your Thumbtack account so that you don't need to manually block time off. You can see them all here. Also just want you to know that I share all of these comments with the team and improvements are being made to Instant Book thanks to this type of feedback. That being said, I do always recommend also sending feedback to so that it gets logged directly under your business/account. Hope this helps even just a little!

  • rvgrand
    rvgrand Posts: 51

    @JpAssembly I know exactly what you mean. Don't forget the fact that you won't get other direct leads because that resource went to an "assured" project. I've already gotten multiple instant bookings and only 1 has actually panned out. Rest assured I told that 1 client never to use instant booking again.

    I don't really see any hope of this going away. I'm a 5* rated pro, with over 500 5* reviews and they don't even bat an eye when I call and ask for the option to be removed from this feature.

  • ShaquealThomas
    ShaquealThomas Posts: 87
    edited August 2023

    There has been a lot of discussion surrounding instant booking if we together as pros can vote on yes to instant booking or no to instant booking we may be able to submit this to thumbtack as a community.

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,994

    If you're answer is "no", I would love to hear what could turn your "no" into a "yes"?

    There are several improvements to this feature rolling out — but tell us what could improve to make Instant Book something you're excited about!

  • Matt
    Matt Posts: 170

    @DustiO the main reason why I said no, is the implementation has been terrible for what I do (murals). The first thing I see when setting up instant book is an estimate charge but the prompt to do instant booking says “set your price”. For what exactly? My work is so varied and dependent on too many things to even begin to put a price down. I charge by the square foot plus materials. What does instant booking do for that? I don’t charge for estimates, but I also don’t go on site for most jobs before I paint.

    Does the feature allow for I depth questions from the pro to the client so that both are on the same page? Can the client book more than one Pro for the same job using instant book? Why is it more expensive?

    The feature seems half baked, and poorly executed to really provide what seems to be touted by it. (This is all based on the pros that were forced into instant book).

  • Eduardo
    Eduardo Posts: 4

    Please understand the nature of the business. For painters, it just DOES NOT work.

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,994

    @Eduardo can you expand on this? What would need to happen in order for it to work for a painter?

  • @DustiO

    i don’t like that there hasn’t been one of my leads that instant booked that followed through. I called and messaged and nothing and I’m paying extra for the service?? I already feel the prices are to high and unpredictable which has had me pause my account a few times. I currently have all instant booking turned off and I go to opportunities page, view job details and price and then make my decision.

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,994

    @Portergirl this is great feedback, thank you.

  • @Swebbinteriors I seen your feedback on instant book are you able to leave it here with a vote?

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,994

    @Swebbinteriors this is great feedback, thank you!

  • Matt
    Matt Posts: 170

    Another thing that could be really big and making instant book a success would be to guarantee that when a client reaches out, the job is the pros and no one else’s (maybe for a set period of time?). That could be done by taking a nonrefundable deposit, but this would mean a very in-depth question form asking all of the questions before the job begins.

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,994

    @Swebbinteriors @ShaquealThomas I merged those two so that her feedback is showing here. Thank you both.

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,994

    Hi all! I have recently merged a few threads relating to Instant Book. I would really love if each of you could take Shaqueal's poll and then leave any more thoughts that you may have since you last posted so that I can share this with our teams. Thank you, and have a wonderful weekend!