Instant Booking



  • VANiK
    VANiK Posts: 13

    or racking up enough money, only to come out and say, oops!

  • They MUST be losing customers, and therefore money. I liked TT a lot with my previous company. It was fair and effective. A decision like this couldn't be made without the CEO's approval, and I look forward to seeing TT's balance sheet next time they file an annual report.

  • Oh actually they are privately owned. No report to see,

  • Modern_designer11
    Modern_designer11 Posts: 26
    edited December 2023

    @DustiO I was charged for a lead and was sent an email immediately that Thumbtack flagged it as suspicious and were “crediting” me the money back. Does this mean I’m not going to be refunded the money? I haven’t received a lead in over a month (Maybe October) so I want to be paid back not credited.

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  • robf
    robf Posts: 18

    @William_Villarino, TT does not recognize us as the customer. We are nothing more than a tool for them to use as needed. I have over 7 years invested with TT. I honestly can not think of one gift, perk, discount or improvement that benefited me. Hundreds of emails and "catch phrases". Just today I got one about incorporating their calendar. My business has been hidden for 2 months. I will hide it again, still in the hope that common sense will return

  • First lead in two weeks and she contacted 6 pros I thought the max was 4

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  • rvgrand
    rvgrand Posts: 51

    End of year reports are in. Since instant book has been implemented as mandatory for me in July, a steady decrease in business has been evident. This would be even more evident if I could overlay the previous years earnings on top of this. Any spikes on this graph are from previous clients and not even close to being from instant booking leads. (Thy July spike was occured prior to instant booking being implemented).

    I gave instant booking an honest try and did not decrease my budget at all.

    Sorely disappointed at the current state of thumbtack. I'm lucky to have the flexibility to have tried this experiment. Other service providers are not so lucky and have to rely on their business to survive. This kind of decline in business can ruin people's lives.

    It's sad because this could be so preventable.

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 2,003

    @rvgrand and everyone else who shared feedback while I was out, thank you! This type of ROI feedback is really great. I am continuing to share this thread with teams and will update as soon as I can. Looking forward to hitting the ground running this year and to continue to amplify your voices here at Thumbtack.

    In the meantime, if anyone else has ROI type feedback that you'd like to share, please drop it in this thread. Thank you!

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 2,003

    @rvgrand follow up question from a team member - What is the Y axis? (ie number of customer contacts, number of hires, a metric of return on spend / ROI, etc.)

  • rvgrand
    rvgrand Posts: 51

    @DustiO The y axis is total earnings per month. This particular business model relies heavily on a per customer service appointment so I can track earnings from thumbtack leads. Which means that if overlayed this graph over a number of actual leads that hired and completed, you would be looking at the same graph.

  • rvgrand
    rvgrand Posts: 51

    @DustiO I would like to reiterate that the spikes in the graph are due to old Thumbtack leads, which are great, and that's how they made it back into this graph.

  • Matt
    Matt Posts: 170

    @DustiO can we please just have the option of disabling the feature if it doesn't work for our industry? Why is there a mandatory push that doesn't work for all the industries?

  • At this point I’d take it seems like the customer don’t want it either I’m getting one lease every few weeks since

  • For my own experience i think noting is going to happen! they dont care about us!

  • Matt
    Matt Posts: 170

    What really needs to happen is an all hands meeting with the people who are actually making these decisions to hear directly from the people who actually pay their bills. Dusti can only do so much, and honestly it feels like they think we are just whining and are being dramatic.

  • My roi has been bad since when can a customer contact over 4 pros? I had one who contacted every one in the area and hired me till someone came in cheaper. Which is also frustrating operating a service that requires a license to loose out to people with out one

  • tt is owned by a investment firm and shareholders