Instant Booking



  • Well you are supposed to be a licensed ac contractor to clean air ducts

  • No, not in the State of WA. We only clean them; we do not do anything with the furnace we do not do any repair work. We refer out for any furnace maintenance or repairs.

  • In florida you have to be a contractor to clean vents crazy

  • Thats sad, all you are doing is cleaning and vacuuming out debris.

  • My best friend does it and air ducts and dryer vents is all he does. If you take the register off you need a license

  • THUMBTACK Administration!!!! Are you there???? Are you reading the comments from your Pto’s?? Your Instant Booking is putting the very Pro’s you made your money from OUT OF BUSINESS! How much more do you need to read?? This link is over 20 pages long. Some of the comments are heartbreaking..😢. These people have families. Your current Instant Booking is not working and you are about to not only lose hundreds of Pros, but you will put them out of business if this is not addressed soon.

  • VANiK
    VANiK Posts: 13

    Unfortunately, it doesn't appear that they care. And what has been released seems to only justify why pros should keep spending with them.

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  • Thak you kostlover and all the other Pros who have made comments.

    TT Admin have made so many comments regarding their move to this instant booking idea but haven't really said why they are shutting us down. Other than they think its cost effective for themselves, and they try to make us think we will be profitable if we make our max lead pricing higher and pay more for the leads that don't pan out and we don't get a refund. So, the profitability is going into the pockets of TT, not us. It's not rocket science on who is gaining.

    Yes, we all have families and mouths to feed. And I'm sure we all have medical bills to be paid. Some of us would die if we don't have our medical insurance and the medications and durable medical equipment that keeps us alive. Sorry, that might be too much information, but I am passionate about living for my kids who all have 4 legs (they can't go to the store and get their own food, nor can they sign up for food stamps), and my husband, I love him too.

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  • Yes, remove it or make it optional for those who do not want or need to participate.

    I wanted to chime in here, but I will be leaving when I decide if I'm keeping my company or just giving up. It's hard because of my medical situation and my age.

    I've been reading all the comments for months and it just tears me up at how this change has affected so many different types of industries and people.

    So sad and unhappy with how this has turned out.

    Bye bye TT

  • rvgrand
    rvgrand Posts: 51

    I haven't read anything on their TOS regarding public discussions of displeasure. They did warn me of being banned for disclosing lead costs to leads sent my way. Which I was just doing to inform clients of the costs they will incur if hired. Basically they said call it a marketing fee and not a thumbtack fee.

  • Yes, that was told to me about a year ago. I was letting customers know what they were paying for and why the cost is what it is. The customer said they understood and that we should charge them for the cost of the lead. But they didn't know we paid for each lead.

    With instant booking that takes the lead charge out of the equation, because why would a customer pay an additional $100 to have a service done.

  • Hi, thats the thing though... I DON'T think Instant Booking is making them more money. Think about it. They had successful Pros before they implemented IB. These pros were most likely spending hundreds if not thousands per month. I know I was spending $7,000 on some months and that's because it WAS profitable. So imagine how many accounts they had putting money in because they were getting money back. Now with IB, it seems like people are jumping off the ship! They are not getting a dime from me, as with many other pros I would assume because they are simply not making any profits. Why would someone keep feeding a machine that is burning their money? It makes no sense... That's why I am led to believe there must be SOMETHING else here.... are they tanking it purposely to sell it off? I don't know but I do know that a lot of big companies do this kind of stuff and then sell themselves for millions/billions... we might just be collateral damage at the end of the day.

  • Hi, Tried looking for a reddit thread. Do you happen to have a link, please?

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  • Thank you, was looking for one with a lot of comments like this thread... went through a few there

  • For the trap to instant book a pro must client don’t know that They have to click on X which would put them back to regular booking. TT knows what they doing they could separate booking and instant booking in two different categories but no they put it together and if it’s your girls time using TT you get confused and book a pro by accident. We should all ask the client if they are just looking for price and if they are just ask them to cancel the booking since we do f provides quite to booking appointment

  • KLsmith
    KLsmith Posts: 14

    ThumbTack WANTS to confuse our customers (not their customers - they ignore that WE are their customers) because they can make short-term profits from OUR customers' confusion. TT is foolish to do this because they are undermining their real customer base, which are the small businesses that provide their revenue. It's as if they are trying to destroy their own company.

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  • The more people that file a complaint with the FTC, the quicker this will get resolved.

  • KLsmith
    KLsmith Posts: 14

    That is one of the only explanations that makes sense. TT was funded by Silicon Valley venture capital and is privately held. The big investors that own TT are probably disappointed that the company's profit margins were not living up to their expectations, perhaps due to TT being a top-heavy organization with lucrative executive salaries and benefits, and probably wasteful spending which we will never know about. Having an HQ in San Francisco doesn't help. As you said, we could be seeing last-minute profit-taking before the company folds.

    Maybe unprofitability is why the company never went public, nor been bought out by a larger corporation. I remember working for a start-up in the late 90s, wondering how our company could possibly be solvent, and then the layoffs came.

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  • KLsmith
    KLsmith Posts: 14

    Anyone noticing how this discussion has been "turfed" on the ThumbtackCommunity page? And how responses from TT have petered out? Not a good sign.

  • I alredy did mine, could be nice if we can redact a one complain to be used for all of us and do the report through the web.

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,994

    @KLsmith Nothing has been done to this post, and I continue to share it with teams. Please review our Community Code of Conduct and keep conversations constructive. Thanks.

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  • welcome to the club. My advice: get off Thumbtack asap