Celebrate with us - show us your Thumbtack swag!



  • I agree Daniel. I have been a pro since 2015 and have no swag.😔

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,993

    I wish we could go back for all of the past years and give everyone swag, but it's unfortunately not doable. We do have monthly contests in the Community, which typically have few entries so your chances are good - and we send swag to the winners. Be sure to enter those! You can usually find the current contest pinned to the top of the home page.

  • Unknown
    edited March 2023
    This content has been removed.
  • Hi there,

    I’ve never received any rewards from this program though I have been a Top Pro for 3 years. What do I need to do to ensure this is delivered?


    Ryan Shephard

  • Average_joe1
    Average_joe1 Posts: 68
    edited September 2023

    Been with thumbtack since the very beginning 2015when they cold called me and you had to buy credits to talk to customers. I got a pen and a key chain once

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,993

    I am SO happy to be hearing from some of our more tenured pros! Unfortunately, the Thumbtack Pro Rewards program has only been around for a couple of years, so if you hit that one year mark before then, you wouldn't have been eligible for this swag. Please run over to our monthly contest and enter (it's the same caliber swag!) - there are usually very few entries, so your chances are great to win some awesome swag!

    PS @Average_joe1 I was a TT pro for several years before joining the team, and I also got the key chain and stickers (and I think we used to send a certificate too) - I LOVED those!)

  • As a former director of marketing in my prior life…you should be investing a ton more in swag and promotional items for your contractors. We’re essentially the face of your company because that is who clients see. You should ensure your name gets front and center with every opportunity a Thumbtack contractor comes in contact with people at the grocery store, hardware stores, restaurants and places we all go to showcase you company to people who’ve never heard of you. Just my professional advice…we represent you!

  • Matt
    Matt Posts: 170

    @DustiO Hey! I got my email to select my reward for being on the platform for a year, but the link to get the merchandise is broken, I have emailed support@ thumbtack but have not heard back. I have my code to get the stuff, but the store is just a dead link, any help would be awesome.

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,993

    @Matt The swag store for the last rewards period has closed, since that period ended on August 31. Can you send me a DM and remind me mid-October and I can help you get a code for the Fall period swag store? (that's when the store opens again)

  • I have never received any swag or any emails about it. How do I get these?

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,993

    @DBess_Sweetsipsbar23 The swag reward is available to pros with at least Silver status who are celebrating their 1-year anniversary and it looks like you haven't quite hit your 1-year mark. When you do qualify you'll receive the email with instructions on how to redeem your swag. Thanks! And congrats on almost reaching that one year mark — looking forward to celebrating with you!

  • My anniversary on Tambtek was about a month ago, but I didn’t receive any gifts🙁

  • Matt
    Matt Posts: 170

    @JohnSwanson_89 the store only opens up at certain times, you will get your email for the gift when it does

  • You will never get any swag either. I never received any and i don’t look forward to it. Just keep posting their increasingly rising prices on the leads to try and make ends meet

  • Matt
    Matt Posts: 170

    I got mine, if anything reach out to Dusti and see if she can clarify when you may get the link to the store

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,993
    edited January 2024

    @JohnSwanson_89 The emails for swag go out once per rewards period - if you had your anniversary a month ago (which is during this current period), and you have at least silver status, you'll receive an email soon (I think they go out on 2/1). The email will have a link to the website and a unique redemption code for you to use! And congrats on your anniversary!

    PS I was able to check and I see your email on the send list, so watch for that on 2/1!

  • Hello I been a top pro for three years in a row. How can I celebrate my swag

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,993

    I am SO happy to be hearing from some of our more tenured pros! Unfortunately, the Thumbtack Pro Rewards program has only been around for a couple of years, so if you hit that one year mark before then, you wouldn't have been eligible for this swag. Please run over to our monthly contest and enter (it's the same caliber swag!) - there are usually very few entries, so your chances are great to win some awesome swag!

  • hello, I would like to know how does it work. I’m in Thumbtack for many years but don’t know about these swags :-)


  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,993

    @Cleide_Daiha this reward has only been available for a little over 2 years, so it didn't exist when you hit your 1-year mark, unfortunately. Hopefully in the future we'll have some opportunities for our more tenured pros to receive swag!

  • @DustiO can at get a 10 year mark? With a party? I’m almost there since I got a cold call and we used to have to buy credits

  • HarpersOKC
    HarpersOKC Posts: 3

    We never received anything and we’ve been here more than 2 year. Also, we can’t figure out anything else we can do to achieve Gold status - we do all we’re supposed to & more (I thought) but can’t ever gain any ground.

  • CCFY
    CCFY Posts: 1

    So I reached GOLD status, still no swag, no indication on my profile, whats the point honestly?

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,993

    @CCFY as stated in this article (as well as your rewards emails), this reward is for pros hitting their 1-year aniveersary on Thumbtack — this program has only been around for less than 4 years. If you reached your 1-year anniversary before that you wouldn't be eligible for the 1-year anniversary swag. Hopefully in the future there will be opportunities for swag, though! And congrats on your gold status!

  • this company has been nothing short of NOT FOR THE PROS!
    never got my anniversary gift or an email regarding it even after I inquired here about it. Thumbtack also has constantly lied to me on ads they’ve sold me telling me I’m the only one the customer picked, only to find out thumbtack lied and sold it to other pros as well. They make you believe you’re the only pro they talk to and so there’s no competition but there actually is. Tried to refund my money but it doesn’t mean their guidelines. Of course it doesn’t. I’m a 5 star business on thumbtack and they’ve made no efforts to make it right for me. I’m a father like many business owners and I’m constantly losing money to this big corporation that has proven OVER AND OVER they DO NOT want to help!!! I will continue to hate on thumbtack for the rest of my days because it was a great thing turned into such a frustrating experience!!!!

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,993
    edited January 6

    @Thomas_Brennan if you read the whole post above, you'll see that this program did not exist when you hit your 1-year mark, which is why you didn't receive anything. But it is SO great to see that you have been with Thumbtack for 7 years!

    • As far as lead prices, have you played around with your Max Lead Prices to see if lowering it helps? You can move that up or down whenever you need to and see how it impacts your lead volume, hopefully this will help you!
    • I would also recommend using the Hide My Business feature when you don't want to show up to customers as this won't impact your ranking and turning targeting off will.
    • And it is still true that when you receive a direct lead it is because a customer has chosen you and reached out to you directly. However, while Thumbtack doesn't promise that you are the only pro a customer can reach out to, we do limit the number of pros a customer can reach out to. I would recommend really focusing on your response time and the body of your response to make sure you really reply quickly and stand out to the competition.

    Since you do have targeting turned off currently I am not able to dig too deeply into anything else, but I am always happy to try and help make things better! You could also join us for CommuniTEA - bi-weekly Zoom meetings where you can meet other pros and ask them questions/get some insight from their experiences.

  • Will there be more swag for this year?

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,993

    @makeupbyaafra Pros can qualify for swag on their 1-year anniversary. Occasionally we have opportunities to win swag here in the Community and we'll be testing some other swag options in 2025, too!

  • OllyBe
    OllyBe Posts: 2
    edited January 17

    @makeupbyaafra Will there be more swag for this year?

    Same question.