A new Rewards period is coming.

DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,978
edited November 2021 in Thumbtack Pro Rewards

We can’t believe how quickly this Thumbtack Pro Rewards period is flying by - but we’ve sure enjoyed it! We’ve met you in Thumbtack success workshops and digital marketing courses, you’ve shared your Thumbtack swag, met the Premier Support Team, joined the Pro Partnership Committee, and so much more.

A new qualifying period is coming up soon — on December 1st. If you currently have Silver, Gold, or Platinum status in Pro Rewards, check that you are set to qualify again. If you’re not quite there, see where you stand and find out what you’ll need to do to qualify.

If you have any questions about how Thumbtack Pro Rewards works or how to qualify, drop them below. If you have tips for pros striving to qualify, share those below too!

Let’s do this!


  • Woop woop woop we love thumbtack swag ! 🥳

  • Hello community! I am fairly new to Thumbtack, 5 months and I am a bit confused with Platinum and Top Pro status. I came to Platinum recently, September to November period. My question is, will the Top Pro status be extended only if I accumulate the 2400 points again? Right now my cumulative amount is 2900, including the 2400 I reached before, does that mean I will lose the Top Pro badge? My schedule is almost full and it is difficult to get new leads as I am only available during the mornings.

  • DustiO
    DustiO Administrator, Moderator Posts: 1,978

    @Navioconstante_3 Welcome to Thumbtack and to the Thumbtack Community! Thank you for asking this, because I know this can be confusing for people even if they aren't new here! Your points will reset on 12/01, but your points now are what will qualify you for Platinum during the next rewards period. So, you will have that platinum status until the end of February and will have from 12/01-02/28 to earn enough points to qualify for the next period. Hope this helps! You can reference this article's section on qualifying periods, too, and feel free to ask any follow up questions you might have. AMAZING work in such a short time, by the way - really incredible!

  • Thank you so much for your answer and your help! Now it is much more clear!