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Discussion List

  • DustiO
    2023 Top Pro Summit event Q&A
    Since we didn't have a chance to get to all of the questions that were submitted during our recent 2023 Summit event, we thought we would post them here. Questions submitted during the 2023 Summit event I have been submitting feedb…
    DustiO 217 views 0 comments Started by DustiO
  • DustiO
    [Recording] 2023 Top Pro Summit Event
    Check out this recording of our first annual Thumbtack Summit — where we came together to celebrate our Top Pros, look back on your wins from 2022, and get a sneak peak of some exciting things in 2023. Comment below with your favori…
    DustiO 919 views 0 comments Started by DustiO
  • DripDoctor
    New billing paying for leads
    Hello, I am very concerned about how Thumbtack is charging pros for leads. Last year in April, it was very simple and straightforward. I was doing excellent with Thumbtack. However, now that the pay for lead system has changed and I…
    DripDoctor 136 views 4 comments Most recent by unknown
  • Sanfordds
    Several Leads that need refunds
    I have several leads that need to be refunded. How can I best achieve that? thanks!
    Sanfordds 56 views 1 comment Most recent by DustiO
  • Orenda
    $138 for a lead on a job that cost $450.?
    I have not been able to contact anyone at thumbtack to straighten this out, I have previously reported other leads that were over priced and I don’t see anything being done about it. Can anyone give insight as to why my leads have j…
    Orenda 189 views 5 comments Most recent by Js_Garage_Door1
  • DustiO
    November contest: Tips for success
    We recently had our fall Thumbtack Pro Rewards Success Workshop - where we learned some tips for success. We had presentations from Thumbtack team members, as well as advice from Top Pro and Community member @ShaquealThomas. He shar…
    DustiO 141 views 6 comments Most recent by DustiO
  • DustiO
    Shout out to our Community Members with 300+ reviews!
    We wanted to take a moment to celebrate our pros in the Community who have more than 300 reviews — that is no small feat. AMAZING work. Take a moment to congratulate these pros, and share your best tips for collecting reviews from …
    DustiO 105 views 1 comment Most recent by Plumbernick417
  • DustiO
    October contest: Share your fall projects
    We love to see the amazing work you do. Share before and after photos of a recent project (or plans for an upcoming project) for a chance to win exclusive Thumbtack swag. We'll also submit these entries to our social media team for …
    DustiO 110 views 4 comments Most recent by DustiO
  • Meckell
    October Pro Highlights
    “I have been what I call an "artrepreneur" for 15 years but made a recent creative pivot by opening a photography studio (I was previously a tattoo artist). It's hard to book business when you're stuck in the beginning sta…
    Meckell 43 views 0 comments Started by Meckell
  • DustiO
    Shout out to our pros who've been in business 5+ years!
    I wanted to take a moment to recognize our Community members who have been in business longer than 5 years. (Tagged below) Thank you for your contribution to Thumbtack and congratulations on your amazing accomplishment! One of the…
    DustiO 84 views 5 comments Most recent by DustiO
  • McSwainServices21
    Thumbtack front desk
    Please reach out to me directly as I am suppose to be receiving more leads with you all but how can I do that when someone that needs a toilet yall only respond to every customer with a water heater response, literally makes no sens…
    McSwainServices21 42 views 1 comment Most recent by DustiO
  • DustiO
    Inspiration from our Community members: Jerald Roberts — Five Star Painting
    Jerald Roberts, owner of Five Star painting in Manassas, VA took time to sit down with us and share his story. He started his interior & exterior painting business with his son in law two years ago — after spending decades in co…
    DustiO 38 views 0 comments Started by DustiO
  • DustiO
    Are you #voteready?
    Last week we kicked off #NationalVoterEducationWeek to celebrate civic participation in the 2022 U.S. midterm elections. We're proud to partner with TurboVote to help our U.S. employees register to vote and find details about their …
    DustiO 24 views 0 comments Started by DustiO
  • DustiO
    What is a Community Leader and how can you join us?
    Previously in our online pro Community, we felt there was too much Thumbtack and not enough Thumbtack pros. So, we’ve enlisted an incredible group of pros to lead and inspire this Community - our Thumbtack Community Leaders. Communi…
    DustiO 75 views 0 comments Started by DustiO
  • chilogm1
    Waste Of Money
    Giving a client the chance to contact 7 pros at the same times makes no sense at all to me. Not only it's such a bad idea you guys literally charging each of the pros the same amount of money just for 1 of them to be hired or the cl…
    chilogm1 29 views 0 comments Started by chilogm1
  • Rosemoreira32
    Rosemoreira32 277 views 5 comments Most recent by DustiO
  • rvgrand
    Now, lead prices are set by you and other pros - - - - If it works
    This message has been up on my services tab for a while now, but every time I click on it, the link is broken. Please fix or at least remove this.
    rvgrand 45 views 2 comments Most recent by rvgrand
  • rvgrand
    Max Lead Price Error
    How do I set max lead prices? Every time I try to click on anything related to the topic, I get an error message. One of the codes tell me to give this: 08518cf6247fdcab10190a672aebec48 to an engineer. Someone please help. I beli…
    rvgrand 49 views 1 comment Most recent by DustiO
  • kostlover
    1 Hour Response Time…
    I am an Organizer. I am blessed with the Leads and referrals that I receive from Thumbtack, and I work 5-6 days per week. Lately, I have worked many 12 hour days. As an Organizer, (and I am sure other Pros in similar fields can rel…
    kostlover 438 views 23 comments Most recent by Mage
  • kostlover
    Problems With Lead Refunds
    I am having significant problems with my requests for lead refunds. A recent one was exceptionally frustrating. I received a lead request from a client who canceled within 5 minutes of her request. I tried to immediately respond…
    kostlover 610 views 8 comments Most recent by DustiO
  • Nancy1005
    Need more Leads/Advertise Advice
    I am a wedding Officiant. I have done very well this summer. But leads and jobs are dwindling. I live in a beautiful Florida tourist destination. I need business to pick up this fall and winter.
    Nancy1005 35 views 0 comments Started by Nancy1005
  • DustiO
    Back to school tips?
    Heya fellow parents or anyone going back to school themselves! My son (my youngest) is getting ready to go into his sophomore year of high school and I just. can't. even. believe. it. So crazy how fast time flies, especially the las…
    DustiO 93 views 2 comments Most recent by DustiO
  • DustiO
    [Closed] July Contest: Add your profile photo.
    This is your space to connect with other business owners in your area or industry — to share ideas, exchange best practices, get help on challenges and celebrate wins together. To help make this feel more like a Community space, we …
    DustiO 133 views 7 comments Most recent by DustiO
  • ShaquealThomas
    Thumbtack tips
    Once you are locked in on thumbtack it’s a routine I wake up normally around this time and double check my leads even when I have a project that day. here’s a few tips I would like to share. following up with clients are key normall…
    ShaquealThomas 309 views 4 comments Most recent by ShaquealThomas
  • Meckell
    July Pro Highlights
    "Our favorite thing about what we do is getting the opportunity to participate in our customers’ big life experiences by delivering a high-quality and stress-free service. The joy and relief we provide to our clients are what k…
    Meckell 47 views 0 comments Started by Meckell
  • AngelaKeshavjee
    I’m a Personal Trainer and I continuously experience customers wasting my money with asking how much my services are? It is show 3x before they get to my profile. That is $31 that I’m charged, because they choose not to read. I also…
    Poll AngelaKeshavjee 33 views 0 comments Started by AngelaKeshavjee
  • Julia
    Community at Thumbtack - APAC Tacks
    Introducing APAC Tacks, Thumbtack's Employee Resource Group for Asian and Pacific Islander employees. Their mission is to create a safe space of solidarity across diverse Asian identities. "When people think about ERGs, you mig…
    Julia 83 views 3 comments Most recent by Mage
  • DustiO
    Community Member Shoutout - Over 100 reviews!
    We have some professionals in our Community with over 100 reviews at over 4.5 rating. That is not an easy thing to accomplish, so I wanted to take a moment to give them a shout out! Congrats on this incredible accomplishment! @bill1…
    DustiO 97 views 3 comments Most recent by vancemk
  • DustiO
    [GROUP HIGHLIGHT] Women on Thumbtack
    I was really inspired when I saw this thread in our Women on Thumbtack group. I love watching pros connect over shared experiences - that's why we're all here! If you haven't already, check out the group and join to start connectin…
    DustiO 55 views 3 comments Most recent by CurlyBartender
  • miachristina
    How do I actually get the benefits from my platinum rewards?
    I have similar grievances to the above posts. My account is platinum, yet I cannot get the help I need. I have emailed many times and gotten no response. The "chat" is not available, it says they will return tomorrow but i…
    miachristina 39 views 0 comments Started by miachristina

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