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Discussion List

  • Meckell
    April Pro Highlights
    “Our favorite things to assemble are playsets. We think of them as big Lego sets and the results are so satisfying. Before Thumbtack, we had very few jobs and very little confidence. Thumbtack has changed everything for us and we’re…
    Meckell 47 views 0 comments Started by Meckell
  • DustiO
    March Contest: Spring Projects
    Spring is in the air! We reached 60 degrees in Salt Lake today and I am here. for. it. Springtime always gets me in the mood for projects - in my home, in my yard, or at work. It's a time when I feel inspired by the freshness of a n…
    DustiO 160 views 5 comments Most recent by DustiO
  • sueferrer
    Oakland/SF Bay Area Life Coaches?
    Hi, All! It's coming up on one year, since I returned to working for myself 100%, and I realize that I am missing having colleagues. Plus, I find socializing with other entrepreneurs very helpful. Ideally, I'd like to meet some o…
    sueferrer 51 views 11 comments Most recent by Meridith_Alexander1
  • Danielle_Penn
    Checking In on Everyone!
    Hello Everyone and Happy March!  I am reaching out to see how we are all doing? Conducting a little check-in, how is the year progressing? I am hoping to hear that many of you have new bookings on the calendar and the highs and lows…
    Danielle_Penn 33 views 1 comment Most recent by SoftWashMJB
  • Jessie
    Community at Thumbtack - Women
    The mission of Thumbtack's Women’s Employee Resource Group is to cultivate an inclusive community for those who have been affected by gender inequality. Along with their allies, they aim to uplift the community through education and…
    Jessie 203 views 10 comments Most recent by DustiO
  • Elle__38
    ☀ Holy schmolley batwoman/batman☀
    Mardi Gras (3/1), which ends the Carnival season 🎶 🎭 🎡 and Fat Tuesday the day before Ash Wednesday (also a New Moon, jus' sayin') which harkens in the Lenten season, are upon us. Even if these observances mean nothing to you, MARC…
    Elle__38 27 views 0 comments Started by Elle__38
  • Meckell
    February Pro Higlights
    “Organizing people’s homes helps us give back peace of mind, freedom and time to our customers. Thumbtack has helped so much in matching us with our ideal clients. Being awarded Platinum Pro Rewards status means our true purpose has…
    Meckell 32 views 0 comments Started by Meckell
  • Elle__38
    Astrology RN
    Most of us have heard about the U.S. PLUTO RETURN which happens this month (2/20/2022). This return only happens every 248 years so it's a biggie! You can certainly get more info on the web, if interested, and also tune into the …
    Elle__38 54 views 0 comments Started by Elle__38
  • Elle__38
    2/16 Full Moon Astrology asks What's Holding You Back?
    If this interests you, follow the link for a lotbof good, usable info.
    Elle__38 37 views 0 comments Started by Elle__38
  • DustiO
    Valentine's Day: Love What You Do.
    In honor of this day celebrating love, we asked pros in our Community to share what they love about being an entrepreneur, and here's what they had to say: “I love the process! As an entrepreneur there are a lot of things that will …
    DustiO 37 views 0 comments Started by DustiO
  • DustiO
    [HIGHLIGHT] New Group: Bienestar
    I don't know about you, but I have set out to practice a lot more self care in 2022 (something I think most of us could use more of). One of our new Community members, @Elle__38 started a new group, that focuses on overall wellness,…
    DustiO 63 views 4 comments Most recent by DustiO
  • Michelle
    Community at Thumbtack - Noble Tacks
    N.O.B.L.E. stands for Network of Black Leaders and Employees. The ERG’s mission is to foster an environment that supports and empowers Black employees at Thumbtack. In June, NOBLEtacks organized a Juneteenth celebration which featur…
    Michelle 130 views 7 comments Most recent by prizemls
  • DustiO
    [VIRTUAL EVENT] Making cards for kids at St Jude Children's Hospital.
    As you know, in December we held a virtual pro event where you voted on a nonprofit to receive a $10,000 grant - and St Jude Children's Hospital was the winner. Sending them that donation was one of the best "work" moments…
    DustiO 152 views 3 comments Most recent by Elle__38
  • Chefjjens
    Sponsorship, selling advertising for TV show
    I received an opportunity to host a cooking show that will be airing on multiple streaming services (reaching 88 million households). My question is: what the best way is to find potential sponsors and or advertisers?
    Chefjjens 21 views 0 comments Started by Chefjjens
  • Meckell
    January Pro Highlights
    I love providing a safe space to tackle what may not come easy for some people. I truly believe a clear space provides a clear mind. Thumbtack has provided a way for me to connect with people directly and safely and allows me to hon…
    Meckell 111 views 2 comments Most recent by Elle__38
  • DustiO
    Giving back, together: Holiday celebration follow-up.
    We want to share our gratitude with all the Pro Rewards members who helped us select St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital as the recipient of a $10k grant during our Pro Rewards Holiday Celebration. Together, we’re making a diffe…
    DustiO 39 views 0 comments Started by DustiO
  • DustiO
    Year in Review: Looking back, looking forward.
    Before we begin tackling our plans for 2022, we’re taking a moment to look back and recognize all the achievements of 2021. In another year marked by significant shifts to our daily ways of life, Thumbtack pros and customers have be…
    DustiO 31 views 0 comments Started by DustiO
  • DustiO
    Happy New Year! Tips from your Community Leaders.
    Welcome back, everyone! We hope you enjoyed the holidays and are ready to hit the ground running in 2022! We asked our Community Leaders, and your fellow Thumbtack pros, to share some of their best tips for the new year. And here’s …
    DustiO 185 views 1 comment Most recent by Danielle_Penn
  • DustiO
    ICYMI: Our Virtual Holiday Celebration
    In case you missed it, here is a recording of our virtual Holiday Celebration from earlier this week. You'll hear from pros who are giving back to their communities, a thank you from Thumbtack's co-founder, and more. You can also do…
    DustiO 31 views 0 comments Started by DustiO
  • DustiO
    [POLL] What are the best ways to give back to our communities?
    In the spirit of the season, we would love to know what ways you give back to your communities! Share ideas - and if you have a story about giving back, we want to hear it in the comments - and maybe you'll be featured here in the C…
    Poll DustiO 146 views 11 comments Most recent by DustiO
  • Meckell
    November Pro Highlights
    "My favorite thing about what I do is being able to help people when they need something to be notarized right then — and being a mobile notary, I'm able to come to all my clients quickly. To be a successful business owner, you…
    Meckell 46 views 0 comments Started by Meckell
  • DustiO
    Meet Anastacio “Stat” Valverde.
    A 4-year Top Pro and current Platinum pro, Stat can make it look easy. But he shares: “One of the biggest challenges I face as a business owner (and many others say the same), is self doubt.” Stat has faced that self doubt head on a…
    DustiO 71 views 0 comments Started by DustiO
  • Meckell
    October Pro Highlights
    “I love owning my own business because It allows me to work my own schedule and enhance my quality of life. I also get to share my love for food — and Thumbtack has provided the bridge necessary for me to create a memorable experien…
    Meckell 63 views 0 comments Started by Meckell
  • DustiO
    Meet the faces behind Thumbtack.
    After a recent Thumbtack success workshop, community member and Platinum pro @ParuGambhir shared, “All these years we’ve grown up with TT - it was great to see the people behind the scenes.”  And a Boston area Thumbtack pro told us,…
    DustiO 62 views 0 comments Started by DustiO
  • DustiO
    Wedding photography discussion
    @Noble_Canon posted a really great discussion topic in the Wedding Photographers group that I wanted to highlight for the wedding industry pros in the Community. You can read the full post here, but he talks about how to handle larg…
    DustiO 105 views 0 comments Started by DustiO
  • Meckell
    Meet Adriana.
    Meet Florida chef Adriana, and hear what she thinks about being an entrepreneur. What’s your favorite thing about what you do? The best part of what I do is meeting new people all the time, being creative in every event that I have …
    Meckell 271 views 0 comments Started by Meckell
  • Meckell
    National Suicide Prevention Week
    It’s National Suicide Prevention Week. We’ll be sharing resources about mental health, mental illness, and suicide prevention help on our social media channels. Be sure to follow us on Instagram to see more.
    Meckell 34 views 0 comments Started by Meckell
  • Meckell
    August Pro Highlights
    "Thumbtack has been a pivotal tool in allowing my wife and I to grow our business. When you are getting started, no matter how good your work may be, if you don’t have a means to connect with people, you can’t get very far. Thu…
    Meckell 108 views 1 comment Most recent by DustiO
  • Jenn
    Community at Thumbtack - Parents
    At Thumbtack, we champion the working parent. The Parents ERG was created to ensure employees who are parents and caregivers feel empowered and supported by providing a community. Improving policies and company norms is an important…
    Jenn 22 views 1 comment Most recent by DustiO
  • Suzanne
    Community at Thumbtack - TackVets
    At Thumbtack, we're proud to support our TackVets, an employee resource group (ERG) that fosters an open environment for Veterans. TackVets and their allies recognize important military related dates throughout the year such as Mili…
    Suzanne 110 views 5 comments Most recent by DustiO

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