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Discussion List

  • Happy_Handyman24
    Abandoned by Thumbtack
    I signed up for Thumbtack as a pro and within minutes was contacted by a representative who outlined a package where I would get personal assistance from him with the set up and for the first 60 days of service. I needed to discuss …
    Happy_Handyman24 31 views 1 comment Most recent by DustiO
  • DustiO
    Your Pro Summit recap.
    We recently held a Pro Summit for select pros and rolled out some exciting product news. Even if you weren’t able to attend, we want to make sure you all have access to the updates that were covered at the event. New booking options…
    DustiO 508 views 9 comments Most recent by alicemorgan3303
  • DustiO
    Who is tuned in to the Pro Summit right now?
    And what has peaked your interest?
    Poll DustiO 56 views 2 comments Most recent by DustiO
  • eskay0201
    Lead prices and competitors
    Hi, I've been using Thumbtack for a while and have somewhat enjoyed getting new clients, but I’m wondering why, whenever a client looks for a photographer for example, they’re given multiple competitors to choose from. In my opinion…
    eskay0201 44 views 0 comments Started by eskay0201
  • Shay
    leads have been coming up with invalid, disconnected, or inaccurate phone numbers
    I have received multiple invalid, disconnected and incorrect phone numbers that are concerning. Thumbtack has been very difficult in issuing a refund for them and if the number is invalid, they say they have checked it and it is val…
    Shay 98 views 8 comments Most recent by Shay
  • FrenchTutorGuy
    Consent form and disclaimer ?
    Would it be possible for language tutors like myself, to have a process where potential language students read and sign a consent form before contacting me? Often, novice language learners are quite unfamiliar with the duration and …
    FrenchTutorGuy 12 views 1 comment Most recent by DustiO
  • chilogm1
    Early access to the new version of texting client with no cost until hire
    for the pass couple day I had an option in my lead category where I had early access to this new program where we can text a client at no cost and if I get hire I only get charge. Every time I click on it I just get a continuous 3 d…
    Answered chilogm1 60 views 4 comments Most recent by CaileeM
  • Hudino
    Instant Bookings
    Question Hudino 23 views 0 comments Started by Hudino
  • eskay0201
    Photos will not upload
    Hello, I'm having a problem of uploading photos because I always get an error saying that it can not upload. I've uploaded other photos many times before but this time it wont even let me upload one photo. Please help me on this. …
    eskay0201 712 views 6 comments Most recent by DustiO
  • pr660
    How the Heck do I Access and/or Change my Rate?
    Just spent over an hour trying to find the magic click to gain access to my rates. Someone please help! Thx!
    Answered pr660 43 views 1 comment Most recent by pr660
  • Eriich
    Concerns regarding non-refundable leads, has anyone else had issues?
    Hi there, I am a very concerned pro. I havent had a lead in a months until I recently got two. The first one was no response in the app and outside the app. Which is frustrating and sketchy even if it does fall under your policy. …
    Eriich 24 views 0 comments Started by Eriich
  • Marlonm337
    I would rather pay more for the job landed than to be duped by customers that play games. Time is money and paying for leads that don’t respond back is just robbery.
    Marlonm337 107 views 0 comments Started by Marlonm337
  • Jennifer_Longociu
    Thumbtack Android App not working for me
    @DustiO I'm wondering if others are having trouble with the Android Thumbtack app for Pros. For a couple of days, any time I try to open it on my LG smart phones, I get a message pop-up that says "This version Thumbtack for Pro…
    Jennifer_Longociu 85 views 9 comments Most recent by DustiO
  • rileymcgriff
    A Quick Refresher on Reporting Suspicious Activity
    The majority of the customers you meet on Thumbtack are trustworthy. If you do come across a customer or situation you’re not sure about, let us know by reporting it. Take a moment to check out this article on reporting suspicious a…
    rileymcgriff 125 views 2 comments Most recent by DustiO
  • LisaP
    Can't do it option
    I've received a lead that indicates the person is "looking for a life coach for a friend", this is not a lead I want to take. What happens if I click the Can't do it option? Will I still be charged? Thank you for the res…
    LisaP 878 views 6 comments Most recent by DustiO
  • Bmosely
    Lack of Thunbtack Support and refund policy
    I’m EXTREMELY disappointed in your customer service and refund policy. I am justified in saying that I will pay for leads where I can actually perform the job. I am being denied my refund requests for charges that do NOT fit my jo…
    Bmosely 187 views 2 comments Most recent by Bmosely
  • Spinozafan
    Suspicious job alerts
    Maybe a month ago, I got a job lead which of course had the potential client's name. After that, all the subsequent leads I've gotten have that client's name above it. This does not seem to be a clerical error on Thumbtack's part, b…
    Spinozafan 72 views 5 comments Most recent by DustiO
  • Fil777
    I refused to work with a client and he left me a 1-star review
    I've been working with Thumbtack for almost a year now and I like this app, it's working good for me, but I think it's time to talk about this annoying little unfair thing that exists on Thumbtack.  In fact, now a client who turns t…
    Fil777 426 views 5 comments Most recent by ShaquealThomas
  • Gabrielornelas07
    Is my account ban?
    Since I restarted using thumbtack I didn’t received any leads (everything is set right as it should, any my leads prices are set higher than normal ) and now I noticed I am not even appearing online on the pros list, I try so many t…
    Gabrielornelas07 40 views 4 comments Most recent by Gabrielornelas07
  • Dogwalker2009
    Havent gotten any leads in 5 days
    Its been 5 days i was getting a lead every day for past 2 weeks and i have. Hreat reviews and reply right away what ia going on?
    Dogwalker2009 83 views 3 comments Most recent by Dogwalker2009
  • KPF_Inspects2023
    Service Category Not Available
    Does anyone know how to get ThumbTack to create a Service this is not an Option in the dropdown list?
    KPF_Inspects2023 31 views 2 comments Most recent by KPF_Inspects2023
  • WeddingOfficiantRick
    Notes area in leads
    Is there an area in the leads where I can lead notes that are visible only to me?
    WeddingOfficiantRick 28 views 1 comment Most recent by DustiO
  • Jingjun
    Top Pro Not searchable
    As the top pro in my category, I'm not searchable at the moment, while others are even when they are out of budget. They will still show up with "limited availability" banner. This has happened to me repeatedly. Please fix!
    Jingjun 194 views 6 comments Most recent by DustiO
  • chilogm1
    2 years Ago this is what thumbtack use to be.
    Check the difference between leads ands prices of how things use to be back den.
    chilogm1 120 views 0 comments Started by chilogm1
  • Loom333
    Bad review from non client
    I don't understand why thumbtack allows someone to mark you as hired just to give you a bad review. This person did not hire me, I actually turned down the job. They were mad. They marked me as hired and then gave me a bad review. B…
    Loom333 105 views 0 comments Started by Loom333
  • Camco516
    Sudden drop in leads
    I recently ventured out on my own after working for many years in the insulation industry. I signed up for Thumbtack and immediately after I began receiving good quality leads and regularly. I’ve always made sure to respond immediat…
    Camco516 81 views 3 comments Most recent by DustiO
  • DustiO
    Question for our cleaning professionals.
    Do you offer vacation rental (i.e. Airbnb) cleanings? If so, do you charge customers a different rate compared to a standard cleaning? Higher or lower? If this is a service you offer and you have any insight, drop it in the comments…
    DustiO 246 views 9 comments Most recent by Cleanertoppro7
  • Evolution123
    All my reviews are gone! Please help
    Hi. I have over 200 reviews which are no longer showing on my profile. Can someone please help as to why they’re gone? Thanks!
    Evolution123 116 views 5 comments Most recent by Maryanne_Kelly
  • DustiO
    [Join us] CommuniTEA + special guests from our Integrations Team on Thursday 5/23
    If you haven't been to a CommuniTEA networking hour, you're missing out! We would love to meet you! Please join us this Thursday, May 23 from 9:00-10:00am PT (10am MT, 11am CT, 12pm ET) via Zoom. We'll have some members of our Integ…
    DustiO 152 views 9 comments Most recent by DustiO
  • DustiO
    ICYMI: 5/23 CommuniTEA Recap our Partnerships & Integrations team
    Last week, several members of our Partnerships & Integrations team joined our CommuniTEA session. Our Integrations and Partnerships team is focused on enabling you to more seamlessly run your business concurrently with Thumbtack…
    DustiO 83 views 0 comments Started by DustiO

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