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What can I do if a customer is avoiding paymentWhat can I do if a customer is avoiding payment I put in a 4 sink system in a food trailer about three months ago and I did the entire job and it was time for the customer to pay if she started avoiding me so I contacted Thumbtack b…
Pro Account Was DeactivatedHello! I have been using Thumbtack for many years in my cleaning business and I got deactivated I've been trying to recover for about 6 months and no answer, I had more than 250 reviews with a strong profile. Has anyone had the same…
Tips & tricks from successful Thumbtack pros.As some of you know, before joining the Thumbtack team I was a business owner for over a decade (I had a wedding cake & confection company) and much of that time was spent as a Top Pro on Thumbtack. I supported my young family …
[VIDEO] Thumbtack Success WorkshopEarlier this week we had the opportunity to meet with 100+ pros from this amazing Community to get some insights, tips & tricks for success on Thumbtack — from our Thumbtack support teams and two of our Thumbtack Pro Advisors, S…
Message for all the engineers and architectsI am finding that this mandatory "$0/on-site estimate" thing is confusing the customer. People are expecting a free consultation. I had three just in the first three days this week. "The app said this was supposed …
Not showing up in search resultsHi this is a Magic of purity on thumbtack, why I’m not showing up in search results???
"Limited Availability" questionI was top in my area for a while and getting a lot of lead and many are free. Just when I thought things are going well, I stopped getting leads. I noticed when I look for myself, I was not showing up in the search results. In the …
Unable to Input "Frequently Asked Questions" on Profile Page"Frequently Asked Questions" lists beneath it, "You have not answered..." However, there appears to be no means of getting to the edit page for this. Please help! Thanks in advance!
Profile issuesI am helping two people and both of them do not understand the English language well yet, so, I developed a page for them, after the Background Check made by themselves, Thumbtack deactivated their page and did not give an answer an…
Why does the lead cost more than the job?!Curious how thumbtack comes up with prices honestly. I am an electrician and charge $75 to install an outdoor coach light. It takes 10 min or less. I find it difficult to charge more than that and so does the customer when it’s a 10…
Profiles for Different LocationsWe're a new eLearning platform that launch in January 2022. Our platform allows parents to find verified, actual teachers to tutor their children. We were wondering if it was possible to make sub-profiles that are specific to cities…
Customer supportas many other users I received a fake lead. Paid $45.00 plus. Customer never responded, I tried calling them and the number is disconnected. I requested a refund and it got declined. I have tried contacting via text the customer ser…
Expensive leads for cheap jobsUnder my category of Pressure Washing , there are several prices they recommend you set. One of them is the price to pressure wash a generic driveway which has a competitive price of $126. This turns out to be too low to do most dri…
ReviewsI had 25 5 star reviews on thumbtack and I was getting so much work that I turned Thumbtack off for a bit. Now my reviews are gone and I have emailed for help many times, but no one answers at all. Why is it so hard to get some assi…
Not getting any responses from prosI need local movers and I’ve sent out at least to 15 pros, and zero replies?? I used to get responses within 5 mins.
Is thumbtack still in business? I stopped getting any leads at all a couple months ago.After consistently having a very high closing rate on the project leads I met with, along with a good rating, I suddenly stopped getting any leads at all almost 3 months ago. I spoke with customer service twice a while back and the…
"Great value" badge questionHello fellow pro's, since Thumbtack has been very slow for me lately, I went ahead and used the platform to view all pros in my category (Murals/muralist) and I am on the first page for my area, but I noticed I was accepting Thumbta…
I don’t live there!Im new to TT and I honestly am about to leave🤦🏽♀️. Frustrated is to nice of a word to explain this level of frustration! Why am I being made to pay for leads from customers from states that I do not work in. I live in TX. I have …
No leads no views for 3 monthsWe've lost our thumbtack leads completely in April. Literally zero leads within 3 months. We've tried to increase Max lead price, lower service fee, set up weekly budget with no limits etc. The best account in the area is showing at…
Saved RepliesCan we please get the saved replies to be higher number of characters, 500 is not enough
How has your experience been with Thumbtack (Pro Support) when trying to get an issue rectified...Especially issues dealing with getting refunds for bogus or misrepresented leads...
Thats a lot for just one lead no?$120 for just one lead? Am I looking at this incorrectly?
We're improving Thumbtack PayHello, Pro Community! I'm excited to share that deposits and installments are here. You used to only be able to accept one payment from a customer through Thumbtack. Thanks to your feedback, you now have the ability to request and r…
Support is not answering phone call, text and chat is auto response and no body onlineSo what exactly is happening with support at TT? There is no way to contact anyone, no answers to text, on hold for hours long so you are forced to hang up, and now Chat has been relegated to auto response and just says to go to a d…
Thumbtack LeadsWhy is going on with thumbtack this is the fist time in my 2 years with thumbtack leads has been coming in so slow….even the people I urge to join thumbtack has been complaining. What’s going on..?
Lead CostI'm new to Thumbtack and I've set my Max leads for each service, but I'm getting charged double what my maximum is. I don't understand why. Can anyone help? They say Exact Match. This is extra frustrating because none of the leads h…
Major issues with Thumbtack AppI have now spoken to more than a dozen potential Thumbtack clients who say they are totally confused by the Thumbtack process, do not like or understand the app, and never see the responses to their requests. Personally, about 90% o…
apostrophe in predefined fieldsWhy can't I use " ' " (apostrophe) is the predetermined text fields
What is the process that thumbtack uses for OpportunitiesI noticed that on the opportunities page, it indicates that "these customers who have requested other pros", " can be their backup." Does this mean that your response is not sent to the customer until the…
Not getting anymore leads the way I would getSeems Thumbtack Pro has slowed down for me over the past few months. I would get a great number of leads and jobs but now it has dwindled down significantly. I have done everything required by Thumbtack Pro, I have great ratings and…
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