Thumbtack Community
Discussion List
How's a lead considered viable if the clients phone number is disconnected, and never viewed messageI have reached out to support, and I get the same answer. "There are no refunds because you have their phone number". That is fine and all, but what about the clients who's number is dead, and they don't view messages thro…
Max Lead Price ErrorHow do I set max lead prices? Every time I try to click on anything related to the topic, I get an error message. One of the codes tell me to give this: 08518cf6247fdcab10190a672aebec48 to an engineer. Someone please help. I beli…
Welcome to our new Community members! (9/5)If you're tagged in this post, you've joined the Community in the last month - and we're so glad you're here. Drop a comment and introduce yourself - post a pic, a link to your Thumbtack profile, tell us about your business - or wha…
Pro Newsletter & EmailsHi everyone! For those who I didn't get a chance to meet at CommuniTEA yesterday, I'm Aleisha and I am on the Engagement Marketing team here at Thumbtack. I'm responsible for some of the emails and push notifications you get! There…
JOIN US TOMORROW (9/15) for CommuniTEA: 30 minutes of networkingSee the event details here and join us to meet other pros! I'm tagging in some pros who have visited the Community since our last CommuniTEA - we would love to "meet" you tomorrow! Come prepared with questions for other pr…
Thumbtack Direct DepositDoes anyone know the particulars about Thumbtack's direct deposit means of getting paid? Are there fees for direct deposit? When they start offering credit card payments, what will the fees be? I now see Thumbtack is using Stripe fo…
Swagthank you Thumbtack, its bin awesome working with you guys together’ hope to be here for a long time
Incorrectly Inflated Response TimesAnyone else have the issue that Thumbtack is showing a response times 15 to 20 min more than reality? When I respond within 1-2min of receiving the lead, the messages list shows that it was 4-6min, but the lead info says "You r…TechnikEnterprises 59 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by TechnikEnterprises Thumbtack Resources
1 Hour Response Time…I am an Organizer. I am blessed with the Leads and referrals that I receive from Thumbtack, and I work 5-6 days per week. Lately, I have worked many 12 hour days. As an Organizer, (and I am sure other Pros in similar fields can rel…
Problems With Lead RefundsI am having significant problems with my requests for lead refunds. A recent one was exceptionally frustrating. I received a lead request from a client who canceled within 5 minutes of her request. I tried to immediately respond…
JOIN US TOMORROW for CommuniTEA: 30 minutes of networkingSee the event details here and join us to meet other pros! I'm tagging in some pros who have visited the Community this month - we would love to "meet" you tomorrow! Come prepared with questions for other pros - or just to…
A new rewards period starts today!We can’t believe how quickly this last Thumbtack Pro Rewards period flew by - but we sure enjoyed it! We met you in Thumbtack success workshops and digital marketing courses, you shared your Thumbtack swag, met the Premier Support T…
August contest: Share profile tipsFor August's contest, we want to hear your tips for building the best Thumbtack profile. Drop your profile tips below for a chance to win this exclusive Thumbtack swag.
Sooo.... how is search marketing allocated to local markets?Hi all-- I didn't see anything in these forums about this so I thought I'd just ask... Presumably our lead fees are tracked by local market area and then some of that money is allocated to buy ads on Google and other search engines.…
I'm swimming with the big fish!!!!I have a couple of subjects, hope that's fine. First I am so impressed by the numbers of Pros in our classification - Wedding Officiant. Hundreds of services performed, cost is reasonable, reviews get the idea. Bottom line…
Changing businessI need to know how to change my business from handyman to home inspection. They are a conflict of interest and cannot have both
Browse our marketplace: Partnerships built for impact.We’re excited to introduce you to our marketplace of partner tools and services, complete with exclusive offers for Thumbtack pros. We’re launching with a selection of partners, including TurboTax, Jobber, Front Desk and more. These…
Thumbtack + WisetackWe're excited to chat about one of our partnerships - with Wisetack, a company that allows customers to pay over time - while you get paid in full as soon as the work is complete. Paying over time increases a customer's buying power…
HELP.....New profile views have TANKED (Wedding Photography)Over the past 4 weeks, my profile views have dropped now (last week and this week) to litterally 0. Yes, that's Zero views for almost two weeks. I haven't had a lead in well over a month. I have changed nothing on my end, and would …
JOIN US TOMORROW for CommuniTEA: 30 minutes of networkingSee the event details here and join us to meet other pros! I will be running a workshop tomorrow so I won't be there, but our amazing Community Leader @ShaquealThomas will be there and hopefully you all will too!
Need more Leads/Advertise AdviceI am a wedding Officiant. I have done very well this summer. But leads and jobs are dwindling. I live in a beautiful Florida tourist destination. I need business to pick up this fall and winter.
Other pros using emoji's and special symbols to manipulate their name to draw attentionI noticed that some pros in one of the categories that compete for leads in has used special code to add special images(emojis and small pictures) in his business name field in order to draw more attention to customers... It's a bri…
Welcome to our new Community members! (8/2)If you're tagged in this post, you've joined the Community in the last month - and we're so glad you're here. Drop a comment and introduce yourself - post a pic, a link to your Thumbtack profile, tell us about your business - or wha…
RESPONSE TIME BEING CHARGED FOR OFF HOURSI take pride in responding to my customers with an hour when my office is open from 9am-8pm EST. Today I see i am being charged for not responding during off hours which completely skews my response time. NOT RIGHT!!! Chris Cavall…
[Advice from Community members] Collecting reviewsOne of our new Community members, @pr660 recently posted this question in the Community about collecting reviews from past clients that were not found through Thumbtack. I thought this would be a great opportunity to put our hive mi…
Help! Thumbtack no longer giving me leads or views!Hello! I am trying to figure out what is wrong with my thumbtack account! I have not gotten any leads or views for 2 months, which is very problematic because Thumbtack is a vital part of my teaching business. There was a point wher…
NewI’m new to this but I really need to find some work
OC Fitness TrainingMy name is Ian Gordon. I’m a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) working as a personal fitness trainer in Irvine, CA. I’m the owner of Gordon Performance Solutions. I provide mobile fitness training services at you…
Back to school tips?Heya fellow parents or anyone going back to school themselves! My son (my youngest) is getting ready to go into his sophomore year of high school and I just. can't. even. believe. it. So crazy how fast time flies, especially the las…
[Closed] July Contest: Add your profile photo.This is your space to connect with other business owners in your area or industry — to share ideas, exchange best practices, get help on challenges and celebrate wins together. To help make this feel more like a Community space, we …
Welcome! Check out our Community Code of Conduct. (review here)