Thumbtack Community

Discussion List

  • DustiO
    Welcome to our new Community members! (2/7)
    If you're tagged in this post, you've joined the Community in the last month - and we're so glad you're here. Drop a comment and introduce yourself - post a pic, a link to your Thumbtack profile, tell us about your business - or wha…
    DustiO 84 views 3 comments Most recent by DustiO Community News
  • Elle__38
    I've just started the Bienestar group whose goal is wellness through self-care and self-maintenance. Oh yes, and FUN. So to cover all of the above, I'm gonna be organizing a sort of healing trip to México o/a July. We'll do the …
    Elle__38 82 views 0 comments Started by Elle__38 Share Your Projects
  • Lemargriffinfilms
    Thumbtack masterclass
    Thanks so much for being in the zoom today! Please send me an email to with the Subject - Thumbtack Masterclass - Anyone that emails me today will get $25 off the class and also a free 15 minute private z…
    Lemargriffinfilms 83 views 0 comments Started by Lemargriffinfilms Thumbtack Resources
  • DustiO
    A new Thumbtack Pro Rewards period is coming!
    We can’t believe how quickly this Thumbtack Pro Rewards period is flying by - but we’ve sure enjoyed it! We’ve met you in Thumbtack success workshops and digital marketing courses, you’ve shared your Thumbtack swag, met the Premier …
    DustiO 25 views 0 comments Started by DustiO Thumbtack Pro Rewards
  • DustiO
    [HIGHLIGHT] New Group: Bienestar
    I don't know about you, but I have set out to practice a lot more self care in 2022 (something I think most of us could use more of). One of our new Community members, @Elle__38 started a new group, that focuses on overall wellness,…
    DustiO 63 views 4 comments Most recent by DustiO Inspiration
  • Elle__38
    And the winner is...
    Hullo--It looks like I may be the recipient of my own tarot reading gift! As you know, I recently posted the question:: What makes you feel ALIVE? Best response gets a freebie. I said, for me, it was listening to salsa as I left…
    Elle__38 26 views 0 comments Started by Elle__38 Thumbtack Pro Rewards
  • DustiO
    Pro Tips: Tax Prep for Small Businesses.
    Earlier this week we announced an exciting partnership with TurboTax, something set into motion, thanks to feedback from professionals like you. This weekend is one of the biggest weekends of the year for tax prep, so we asked Harve…
    DustiO 81 views 0 comments Started by DustiO Business Resources
  • Meckell
    New Years Resolutions!
    Have you started thinking about New Years Resolutions for your business yet? If so, share them here! We'd love to hear what your plans are for 2022 and share them on our social media channels!
    Meckell 48 views 17 comments Most recent by Elle__38 Network and Collaborate
  • Meridith_Alexander1
    Billed for lead with fake phone number
    Hello, all! Great to be part of this Top Pro community. I have been a top pro for several years and in spite of a few hiccups along the way have really found the platform to be a great way to connect with potential clients. I know t…
    Meridith_Alexander1 337 views 2 comments Most recent by Meridith_Alexander1 Network and Collaborate
  • Michelle
    Community at Thumbtack - Noble Tacks
    N.O.B.L.E. stands for Network of Black Leaders and Employees. The ERG’s mission is to foster an environment that supports and empowers Black employees at Thumbtack. In June, NOBLEtacks organized a Juneteenth celebration which featur…
    Michelle 129 views 7 comments Most recent by prizemls Inspiration
  • DustiO
    January Contest
    We recently posted an article with some amazing advice from our Community Leaders, @perrysto @BITBLeah @Danielle_Penn @patrykkg @Stat @PomeranzLaw @Filip_Matic and @CurlyBartender. We really loved what they had to say, and we'd lov…
    DustiO 508 views 6 comments Most recent by DustiO Community News
  • Brandon
    Tracking Past Profile Insight
    I'd like to get a better understanding of how my profile has preformed over the last few years. When we go into our Thumbtack profile there is a drop down tab in the top right that has a section called "Insight". In th…
    Brandon 51 views 1 comment Most recent by DustiO Business Resources
  • DustiO
    [VIRTUAL EVENT] Making cards for kids at St Jude Children's Hospital.
    As you know, in December we held a virtual pro event where you voted on a nonprofit to receive a $10,000 grant - and St Jude Children's Hospital was the winner. Sending them that donation was one of the best "work" moments…
    DustiO 141 views 3 comments Most recent by Elle__38 Inspiration
  • nybreederhere
    NY Breeder is serving White Plains, NY
    If you are searching for puppy breeders for your pets, this article is definitely for you. The following article will help you find the answer to the right dog breeder near White Plains for your puppy: Take a look at their dogs. If …
    nybreederhere 38 views 0 comments Started by nybreederhere Community News
  • Meckell
    How are you spending the Holiday Season?
    Hi all! We're doing a social media post that highlights what pros are up to during the holiday season. If this is something you're interested in, please respond here with a photo of how you're celebrating (can even be from last year…
    Meckell 63 views 5 comments Most recent by Elle__38 Network and Collaborate
  • Danielle_Penn
    Let's Network!!
    Hello and Happy Fall! I welcome you all to the ThumbtackCommunity Portal! This is an excellent place to network and share/discuss ideas so we can all learn, grow, and inspire each other! There are so many groups to be a part of. …
    Danielle_Penn 270 views 7 comments Most recent by Elle__38 Network and Collaborate
  • DustiO
    Inspiring stories from our pros: Segar LA
    Steven moved to LA with an idea and a lot of motivation. He turned that idea into a thriving business, with the help of Thumbtack. In his words: “We have never advertised and solely used Thumbtack to get new clients over the last fi…
    Announcement DustiO 210 views 3 comments Most recent by Elle__38 Inspiration
  • DustiO
    [POLL] What tools do you use most to increase your productivity?
    Share with us what tools would be most helpful to you, and comment below with what tools you currently use or would like to try using.
    Poll DustiO 35 views 1 comment Most recent by DustiO Business Resources
  • perrysto
    2 ways to make sure you don’t get off track in the new year.
    The pandemic has offered everyone an opportunity to pause, reflect, and assess. As things continue to pick up on the business front, it’s easy to lose yourself in the busy-ness of things. Here are 2 ways to make sure you don’t get o…
    perrysto 77 views 1 comment Most recent by Elle__38 Business Resilience
  • DustiO
    Building together — 2021 Community Recap
    As 2021 draws to a close, I can’t help but feel a bit emotional about all that we have accomplished, together. At the beginning of this year we set out to build a brand new Community with the help of our Community Leaders — @perryst…
    DustiO 45 views 1 comment Most recent by Elle__38 Community News
  • Chefjjens
    Sponsorship, selling advertising for TV show
    I received an opportunity to host a cooking show that will be airing on multiple streaming services (reaching 88 million households). My question is: what the best way is to find potential sponsors and or advertisers?
    Chefjjens 21 views 0 comments Started by Chefjjens Inspiration
  • DustiO
    Marketing advice from industry experts.
    One of the perks of Thumbtack Pro Rewards is the chance to attend a workshop led by marketing experts. During this Pro Rewards period pros with Gold and Platinum status have been learning about marketing strategies with Boot Camp Di…
    DustiO 26 views 0 comments Started by DustiO Thumbtack Pro Rewards
  • SMishra
    It's been three weeks and I have received zero targeted leads. I have been checking my rankings daily, and I do not even show up in the list of persons available for the service I offer. As a TopPro for several years, I find this …
    SMishra 70 views 4 comments Most recent by DustiO Business Resources
  • OrganizedByWendy
    Thumbtack Swag!
    What a fun surprise to kick off my week: treats in the mail! I love receiving customized leads from Thumbtack and that they make it so easy for my clients to find me. off and running now to my next organizing gig… New bag and pen in…
    OrganizedByWendy 60 views 1 comment Most recent by DustiO Thumbtack Pro Rewards
  • Meckell
    January Pro Highlights
    I love providing a safe space to tackle what may not come easy for some people. I truly believe a clear space provides a clear mind. Thumbtack has provided a way for me to connect with people directly and safely and allows me to hon…
    Meckell 43 views 2 comments Most recent by Elle__38 Inspiration
  • OnTheRockies
    Prices not being shown to potential clients
    I set up my prices and the pricing page says prices are live, yet anywhere from 60-75% of my leads show this: When I brought up this bug a year or so ago, I was told my prices are live and everything looked fine. If that's the case,…
    OnTheRockies 28 views 1 comment Most recent by DustiO Thumbtack Resources
  • MenfisCreg
    Issues with refunds
    I've been using Thumbtack for many years and it was great experience. But recently I feel like something changed and the Thumbtack cares about money only. I've submitted refunds for leads which are clearly fall under refund policy. …
    MenfisCreg 1.3K views 17 comments Most recent by Tiffany_Mcwhinnie Thumbtack Resources
  • DustiO
    JOIN US TOMORROW for CommuniTEA: 30 minutes of networking
    See the event details here and join us to meet other pros!
    DustiO 34 views 0 comments Started by DustiO Community News
  • ekrob
    Client support
    I find it interesting that Thumbtack gives sales and marketing advice. Has anyone tried getting Thumbtack Customer Support on the phone? If I treated customers the way Thumbtack does, I'd have gone out of business a long time ago…
    ekrob 211 views 1 comment Most recent by DustiO Network and Collaborate
  • DustiO
    Giving back, together: Holiday celebration follow-up.
    We want to share our gratitude with all the Pro Rewards members who helped us select St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital as the recipient of a $10k grant during our Pro Rewards Holiday Celebration. Together, we’re making a diffe…
    DustiO 34 views 0 comments Started by DustiO Inspiration