Thumbtack Community
Discussion List
Thumbtack LeadsWhy is going on with thumbtack this is the fist time in my 2 years with thumbtack leads has been coming in so slow….even the people I urge to join thumbtack has been complaining. What’s going on..?
Trying to become a future expertHey, I’m hugo and I’m trying to become an future expert being a pro with platinum rewards and I know thumbtack can help me with that, I’ve been in this business for 12 years and I always received good reviews. Hope I become a future…
Add us to the Feature pleaseWe would love to be featured Affordable Lawn care 703 LLC Thanks
Lead CostI'm new to Thumbtack and I've set my Max leads for each service, but I'm getting charged double what my maximum is. I don't understand why. Can anyone help? They say Exact Match. This is extra frustrating because none of the leads h…
Major issues with Thumbtack AppI have now spoken to more than a dozen potential Thumbtack clients who say they are totally confused by the Thumbtack process, do not like or understand the app, and never see the responses to their requests. Personally, about 90% o…
Customer not responding to pay the outstanding remaining balanceHello, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to discuss a challenging situation I am currently facing with a customer. I have completed four projects for this customer, as per our agreement, with a payment structure of 50…
apostrophe in predefined fieldsWhy can't I use " ' " (apostrophe) is the predetermined text fields
What is the process that thumbtack uses for OpportunitiesI noticed that on the opportunities page, it indicates that "these customers who have requested other pros", " can be their backup." Does this mean that your response is not sent to the customer until the…
Not getting anymore leads the way I would getSeems Thumbtack Pro has slowed down for me over the past few months. I would get a great number of leads and jobs but now it has dwindled down significantly. I have done everything required by Thumbtack Pro, I have great ratings and…
Bad pricingHow is this even possible look at the prices imagine paying that much for leads
Swag??How do I get my swag!! I have had 2 anniversaries and no swag!!
How I started on Thumb-stackI was inspired from my own talent, i come from a heavy background of I.T and technology, as well as electrical and security. It was too much skills I had under my belt, and I told myself what there’s no other platform than thumbtac…
Invest in shoe coversRemember, it’s a highly respected to your customers if they see you wear shoe covers before entering their house
Thumbtack + GoSite PartnershipWe hear a lot of feedback from pros about how you wish we had more calendar integration possibilities — so we're excited to post about this partnership. Our partnership with GoSite makes managing your leads and your schedule easier.…
SupportI am looking for support of any kind through this company. What happened to the support and how can this be fixed. If there is a problem that requires a dispute with a member of thumbtacks staff then where do I turn. I have had iss…
Videography - video quantity and length parametersI've voiced concerns about this issue for years, but maybe by posting it here, other video Pros can share their thoughts. There needs to be some sort of way to opt out of getting charged for projects that have unrealistic budget+qua…
I would love to be a featured proI’m very interested in being a featured pro
ducks in a rowI'm not sure if other industries have this issue, but as a videographer, I see a lot of leads where the client doesn't have their ducks in a row. These tend to be "passion projects" where the person is self-funding. It's…
Hi there, where is the pro support?I am currently frustrated with this app and support. I have gotten mulitple leads that are not a match and spent hours on the phone waiting for support to get my denied refund. Now, the support is gone but yet the emails and the app…
Account Deactivated - Need SupportSo basically my husband's business account was deactivated, after messaging on all the social media platforms and emailing, someone finally answered saying that his account was deactivated because it was linked to my account. Now hi…
Introducing Podium.We’re excited to introduce our integration with Podium. We’re partnering with them to help pros like you better connect with customers and deliver best-in-class service. Podium offers a suite of messaging tools to get online reviews…
Additional Google ReviewsWhen I created my thumbtack account it let me import the 6 I had. I now have 17 and want to add the additional Google reviews to my account. I keep getting the error message that I have already imported all Google reviews. Is there …
Swag :)So I just got the notification that I reached 1 year and I was getting swag, but my password wasn't taking. I reset then the message about swag went away 😞 Anyway to get that back?
What marketing support would benefit your business most?The Community team at Thumbtack is always thinking of ways to add value to your experiences here. What kinds of marketing support would you find most beneficial to your businesses? If your answer is "other", please comment…
[JOIN US] CommuniTEA: Live Community bi-weekly networkingIf you haven't been to a CommuniTEA networking hour, you're missing out! We would love to meet you! Please join us tomorrow from 9:00-10:00am PT (10am MT, 11am CT, 12pm ET) via Zoom. We'll do some intros and then open up for you to …
Not getting any leadsOkay, so I was getting consistent leads everyday when I first started with Thumbtack. Then they just stopped out of nowhere. My profile is strong. I have my settings turned to unlimited budget. I have a 4.9 rating. And I see multipl…
Marketing WebinarsI see that I qualify for the Marketing Webinar but when I click it I get a message saying it is already closed? Is there going to be another one scheduled soon? I was very much looking forward to that reward so I hope it’s not s…
For success, it's all about the numbers, but the numbers are not there anymoreI have noticed a trend on TT that is concerning to Pros here in the Pro Community as well as in the Zoom CommuniTEA. There have been significant shifts in the success of pros but no one seems to know why that is. I am very OCD and …
Tax Deductions for Small BusinessesThere are many tax breaks for small businesses, and I bet you want to know all of them to help reduce your tax liability and keep more money in your small business bank account. That is where we can help! Here are just a few of the…
JOIN US tomorrow (Thursday 3/30) for CommuniTEA.If you haven't been to a CommuniTEA networking hour, you're missing out! We would love to meet you! Please join us tomorrow from 9:00-10:00am PT (10am MT, 11am CT, 12pm ET) via Zoom. We'll do some intros and then open up for you to …
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