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  • chilogm1
    Should i get A Refund for those leads from my point of view I would say Yes because
    i doon’t want to sound crazy but please explain to me why am I paying for a services that pretty much earning money from me for not doing nothing. I feel like now i should start charging clients leads price just for contacting me si…
    chilogm1 27 views 1 comment Most recent by DustiO
  • Meckell
    14 free tools every small business can use
    Starting and managing a business is expensive. Odds are you’re on a tight schedule and an even tighter budget. Luckily there are a lot of resources, websites and apps that can help you run your small business more efficiently. Here …
    Meckell 467 views 10 comments Most recent by Js_Garage_Door1
  • Lemargriffinfilms
    Advice from a Top Pro
    Hello Everyone! Here's something I think can help. Running a business - My advice for anyone reading this no matter if you are a solo freelancer, small business, or established company is the same. Accountability. When you're person…
    Lemargriffinfilms 903 views 14 comments Most recent by DustiO
  • NelsonsHVAC
    Library of Past webinars
    Is there a location where we can access past webinars for contractors using Thumbtack?
    NelsonsHVAC 27 views 1 comment Most recent by DustiO
  • chilogm1
    Outrages Leads Price.
    I decide to Open my budget this morning to unlimited since I haven't gotten any leads for the past 3-5 days. 5 minutes I got a lead I was happy den the leads price was $111 for a tv mount above fireplace in Ocala i live in Orlando. …
    chilogm1 84 views 2 comments Most recent by DustiO
  • Matt
    Feature Request(s)
    Lately I have been getting 20+ leads in a short period of time, and I would love the option to add private notes to the client lead messages. This would allow me to put in things like, "Reach out to CLIENT in two weeks, they ar…
    Matt 49 views 2 comments Most recent by Matt
  • Matt
    How's a lead considered viable if the clients phone number is disconnected, and never viewed message
    I have reached out to support, and I get the same answer. "There are no refunds because you have their phone number". That is fine and all, but what about the clients who's number is dead, and they don't view messages thro…
    Matt 78 views 2 comments Most recent by Matt
  • WDodson
    Sooo.... how is search marketing allocated to local markets?
    Hi all-- I didn't see anything in these forums about this so I thought I'd just ask... Presumably our lead fees are tracked by local market area and then some of that money is allocated to buy ads on Google and other search engines.…
    WDodson 50 views 4 comments Most recent by DustiO
  • Erictibok
    Changing business
    I need to know how to change my business from handyman to home inspection. They are a conflict of interest and cannot have both
    Erictibok 39 views 1 comment Most recent by DustiO
  • Brad_Willis
    HELP.....New profile views have TANKED (Wedding Photography)
    Over the past 4 weeks, my profile views have dropped now (last week and this week) to litterally 0. Yes, that's Zero views for almost two weeks. I haven't had a lead in well over a month. I have changed nothing on my end, and would …
    Brad_Willis 52 views 3 comments Most recent by DustiO
  • Keithgking89
    I’m new to this but I really need to find some work
    Keithgking89 109 views 2 comments Most recent by ShaquealThomas
  • shedoesitall22
    Help finding funds to start your business
    Im just curious, i always hear about different help that s out here to help people like myself and other black women that are trying to get there businessess up and going..but dont have enough revinue to do so, is there really help…
    shedoesitall22 23 views 1 comment Most recent by DustiO
  • parvit
    Remote Availability and Skillset
    I continue to have issues getting refunds because some leads only want in person appointments or skills I do not offer. Remote Availability Issue: I was told to enable "remote" on my profile to let clients know I work re…
    parvit 42 views 1 comment Most recent by parvit
  • chilogm1
    same client keep booking
    I have a client who kept on booking me just to ask me question i have come to a decision to not work for her anymore but she stilll have options to book me and makes me loose money how can i fix that
    chilogm1 81 views 7 comments Most recent by D0G_TRAINING_WITH_MJ
  • dieuwke
    just introducing myself
    Hi, I am Dieuwke, dog trainer and owner of Orion Dog Training in San Jose, ( Trying to see how this all works, Thank you,
    dieuwke 35 views 2 comments Most recent by soonerkimmy
  • kdiddy01
    Google or Outlook Calendar Sync
    so on Thursday i got a notification from the app telling me that FINALLY there was a Google Calendar Sync option! I got excited, clicked on it, only to have nothing happen....just an error message So i called Thumbtack thinking that…
    kdiddy01 394 views 3 comments Most recent by DustiO
  • gle2nm
    Do you have an API available? I have my own CRM and I am looking to build the integration. All of the other lead generation providers have already given this information to me. I could not find anything on the internet. Thank you,…
    gle2nm 258 views 1 comment Most recent by DustiO
  • BITBLeah
    Do you send out a follow up for a review to finished jobs?
    One of the best ways I have found to get a review from a client is by directly asking them, don't just think they'll provide you with one! Today, I received my 50th review from a client I had back in September!! I had sent somethin…
    BITBLeah 431 views 12 comments Most recent by HOLCS_2021
  • RogueRemodeling
    Are you having Blocked Calendar Issues ??
    Anyone else experiencing issues with customers bypassing your blocked calendar or days you are unavailable to work ?
    Poll RogueRemodeling 266 views 18 comments Most recent by Mage
  • Judy_Tourangeau
    Notification that another pro was marked hired, and or how many other pros received “targeted” leads
    Hello, one of the issues I’ve had with Thumbtack for a while and nothing has ever changed that I have noticed, is that it is unknown/ unclear with opportunities, or direct leads especially, when another pro has been hired or how man…
    Judy_Tourangeau 194 views 0 comments Started by Judy_Tourangeau
  • DustiO
    Pro Tips: Tax Prep for Small Businesses.
    Earlier this week we announced an exciting partnership with TurboTax, something set into motion, thanks to feedback from professionals like you. This weekend is one of the biggest weekends of the year for tax prep, so we asked Harve…
    DustiO 108 views 0 comments Started by DustiO
  • Brandon
    Tracking Past Profile Insight
    I'd like to get a better understanding of how my profile has preformed over the last few years. When we go into our Thumbtack profile there is a drop down tab in the top right that has a section called "Insight". In th…
    Brandon 58 views 1 comment Most recent by DustiO
  • DustiO
    [POLL] What tools do you use most to increase your productivity?
    Share with us what tools would be most helpful to you, and comment below with what tools you currently use or would like to try using.
    Poll DustiO 35 views 1 comment Most recent by DustiO
  • SMishra
    It's been three weeks and I have received zero targeted leads. I have been checking my rankings daily, and I do not even show up in the list of persons available for the service I offer. As a TopPro for several years, I find this …
    SMishra 75 views 4 comments Most recent by DustiO
  • DustiO
    Upcoming event from US Chamber of Commerce
    I registered for this event and thought some of you might be interested as well. The keynote speakers look pretty cool and the topic sounds really interesting. Here is the event page for more info. It's free and it's virtual! Hope t…
    DustiO 24 views 0 comments Started by DustiO
  • PSD
  • Eric
    API connections?
    Does anyone know if Thumbtack has connections to other software? We use Jobber for our CRM and it's fantastic but having to manually enter in all my customer data into Jobber every time I get a lead is kinda crappy.
    Eric 395 views 3 comments Most recent by OnesimusLLC
  • Meckell
    How to look like a pro when you’re just getting started:
    Looking professional is key to your company’s growth, especially when you’re just starting out. But things that help your business look legitimate — reviews, customer testimonials, photos of completed projects — are collected over t…
    Meckell 60 views 0 comments Started by Meckell
  • CurlyBartender
    Amazing Business Resource
    Hi ! I just wanted to share one of my absolute favorite online organizing tools. Honeybook ! Honeybook has changed the way I send my clients proposals including contracts, invoices, brochures & so much more. Besides Thumbtack,…
    CurlyBartender 111 views 3 comments Most recent by Danielle_Penn
  • Meckell
    3 tips for female business owners:
    1. Know your worth. “Don’t undersell yourself. People won’t always pick the cheapest quote. Help people see your worth.” - Meghan Aro Negotiating price isn’t easy. Make sure you do the math on your value and costs — and scope out wh…
    Meckell 148 views 0 comments Started by Meckell

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